Tobacco Use Among Adults - New York State, 2002
Prevalence and Trends in Tobacco Use, Cessation, and Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke among New York State Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Executive Summary
This report summarizes information obtained from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) for 2002 regarding rates of cigarette use, cessation, and exposure to second-hand smoke in New York State adults.
This report is intended for tobacco control program staff, researchers, healthcare providers, local health departments and community partners. Information provided includes comparisons of findings for 2002 to previous year’s BRFSS results pertaining to key program indicators of: (1) prevalence of current smokers including everyday and some day smokers, (2) number of cessation attempts within the past 12 months, (3) information on media and marketing, and (4) exposure to second-hand smoke.
This information supports the programmatic goals of the New York State Tobacco Control Program, which are to: (1) prevent the initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults, (2) promote cessation from tobacco use, (3) eliminate exposure to second-hand smoke, and (4) decrease the social acceptability of tobacco use.
Key findings from this report show non-significant changes in prevalence of current smokers in New York State overall (23.2% in 2001 to 22.3% in 2002), with significant decreases among women aged 18-24 years (35.5% in 2001 to 21.7% in 2002, p<0.05), and aged 25-34 years (23.5% in 2001 to 17.4% in 2002, p<0.05). The statewide rate of current everyday smokers decreased significantly from 19.2% in 1996 to 16.9% in 2002, p<0.05. Significant decreases in prevalence of current smokers in New York City were observed among specific population groups; the frequency of current smokers aged 18-24 years declined from 29.4% in 2001 to 15.2% in 2002 (p=0.01), and, the frequency of smoking among individuals with 4 or more years of college education decreased from 19.7% in 2001 to 12.1% in 2002 (p<0.01). Rates of individuals who are some day smokers for New York City decreased significantly from 7.9% in 2001 to 5.0% in 2002 (p=0.01).
Significant increases in the number of current smokers who made at least one attempt to stop smoking cigarettes in the past 12 months occurred in both New York State and New York City. In New York State, 62.5% of current smokers made an attempt to quit smoking in 2002, an increase from 57.2% in 2001 (p<0.05). In New York City, 68.5% of current smokers made a quit attempt in 2002, up from 59.1% in 2001 (p<0.05).
Of special note is the 73.5% rate for Black smokers in New York State who have made a quit attempt in the past 12 months, which nearly matches the Healthy People 2010 target for cessation attempts of 75%.1
Cessation information is disseminated to the public through various media marketing venues. Cessation information provided on television and radio reached more than 85% of adult smokers, whereas information from billboards, health care providers and family/friends reached approximately 55% of the adult smoking population with cessation information.
Rules regarding smoking in the home have become more stringent in residences where a smoker resides. The percentage of smokers in New York State who allow smoking in some places in the home decreased significantly from 33.8% in 2000 to 27.2% in 2002 (p<0.05) and the percentage of smokers who do not allow smoking anywhere in the home increased significantly from 28.6% in 2000 to 36.1% in 2002 (p<0.05).
Progress toward Tobacco Control Program goals to promote cessation and eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke has been made. Increased cessation attempts by everyday smokers, the broad dissemination of cessation information, and the greater stringency regarding secondhand smoke exposure in the home all suggest that important changes are underway . These changes may be attributed to multiple causes that include the combined efforts of interventions of the Tobacco Control Program, its community partners, media efforts for clean indoor air and legislative efforts that have increased the cost of cigarettes.
Continued progress towards Tobacco Control Program goals is expected as the New York State Clean Indoor Air Law of 2003 takes effect and coordinated tobacco control action takes place across the state. Statewide evaluation and surveillance is key to providing feedback regarding program progress and its efforts toward achieving program goals and objectives.
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual random-digit-dialing telephone survey of the civilian non-institutionalized adult population designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor trends in the prevalence of behavioral risk factors and utilization of preventive services associated with the leading causes of illness, injury, disability, and death in the population. The survey has been conducted annually in the State since 1985, and knowledge gained from this survey is used to inform and guide the New York State Tobacco Control Program’s efforts. 2
SAS and SUDAAN (Software Statistical Analysis of Correlated Data) software were used for the data analysis which includes frequencies and cross-tabulations, computation of 95% confidence intervals and statistical tests of significance.3
Information is reported for the geographic regions of New York State, New York City and New York State exclusive of New York City, referred to as the rest of the state.
Current cigarette smokers are those who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in a lifetime and currently smoke everyday or some days. Everyday smokers are those who now smoke every day. Some day smokers are those who now smoke cigarettes some days, but not every day.
Cessation rates are determined by those current smokers who have indicated they had stopped smoking for one day or longer during the past 12 months because they were trying to quit smoking.
Prevalence of Current Smokers
Prevalence of current smokers in New York State decreased slightly from 23.2% in 2001 to 22.3% in 2002. A larger reduction of current smokers was observed among those in New York City from 21.1% to 18.6%, and no change was noted for those in the rest of state. None of these changes were statistically significant (see Tables 1-3).
Prevalence of current smokers by gender, age, race and educational status in New York State, New York City and the rest of the state showed significant decreases among smokers aged 18-24 years in New York City, from 29.4% in 2001 to 15.2% in 2002 (p=0.01), and among smokers with 4 or more years of college education, from 19.7% in 2001 to 12.1% in 2002 (p<0.01) (see Tables 1-3).
Figures 1 and 2 show rates of current smokers by gender and age for New York State. Smoking among females aged 18-24 years decreased significantly from 35.5% in 2001 to 21.7% in 2002 (p<0.05) and for those aged 25-34 years from 23.5% in 2001 to 17.4% in 2002 (p<0.05).
Between 1996 and 2002, significant reductions in the proportion of current smokers who smoke daily and significant increases in the proportion of current smokers who smoke only some days, have been noted statewide (see Table 4). For New York City, a significant reduction of some day smokers occurred, from 7.9% in 2001 to 5.0% in 2002 (p=0.01) (see Table 5).
The average number of cigarettes smoked per day by everyday smokers did not change significantly from 2000 to 2002 for smokers in New York State, New York City or the rest of the state.
New York State | 2001 | 2002 | |||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | ||
Total | 3882 | 23.2 | 21.6-24.8 | 4449 | 22.3 | 20.8-23.8 | |
Gender | Male | 1607 | 26.1 | 23.6-28.6 | 1748 | 25.8 | 23.3-28.3 |
Female | 2275 | 20.7 | 18.7-22.7 | 2701 | 19.2 | 17.5-20.9 | |
Age (yrs.) | 18-24 | 317 | 33.0 | 26.7-29.3 | 331 | 29.0 | 23.2-34.8 |
25-34 | 796 | 28.7 | 25.0-32.4 | 829 | 23.9 | 20.5-27.3 | |
35-44 | 874 | 26.3 | 22.8-29.8 | 928 | 27.5 | 24.1-30.9 | |
45-54 | 748 | 25.5 | 22.0-29.0 | 888 | 23.7 | 20.4-27.0 | |
55-64 | 480 | 17.2 | 13.3-21.1 | 595 | 19.3 | 15.4-23.2 | |
65+ | 596 | 10.8 | 8.1-13.5 | 815 | 10.7 | 8.1-13.3 | |
Race/ Ethnicity |
White,Non-Hispanic | 2761 | 24.9 | 23.0-26.5 | 3188 | 23.2 | 21.5-24.9 |
Black,Non-Hispanic | 361 | 17.9 | 13.4-22.4 | 424 | 19.7 | 15.3-24.1 | |
Hispanic | 478 | 21.9 | 17.5-26.3 | 460 | 21.5 | 16.9-26.1 | |
Other | 224 | 21.4 | 15.1-27.7 | 310 | 21.7 | 16.1-27.3 | |
Education | < High School | 383 | 29.7 | 24.2-35.2 | 437 | 32.1 | 26.9-37.3 |
High School | 1052 | 27.9 | 24.9-30.9 | 1272 | 26.7 | 23.8-29.6 | |
Some College | 1004 | 25.3 | 22.0-28.6 | 1089 | 24.4 | 21.2-27.6 | |
College Grad+ | 1431 | 14.8 | 12.7-16.9 | 1632 | 13.1 | 11.2-15.0 | |
No significant changes from 2001-2002. **95% Confidence Interval |
New York City | 2001 | 2002 | |||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | ||
Total | 1314 | 21.1 | 18.5-23.7 | 1383 | 18.6 | 16.1-21.1 | |
Gender | Male | 543 | 23.5 | 19.3-27.6 | 508 | 23.2 | 18.8-27.6 |
Female | 771 | 18.8 | 15.7-21.9 | 875 | 14.9 | 12.1-17.7 | |
Age (yrs.) | 18-24* | 121 | 29.4 | 20.5-38.3 | 117 | 15.2 | 8.3-22.1 |
25-34 | 352 | 23.9 | 18.5-29.3 | 352 | 20.3 | 15.3-25.3 | |
35-44 | 285 | 21.0 | 15.1-26.9 | 285 | 25.8 | 19.2-32.4 | |
45-54 | 229 | 22.7 | 16.2-29.2 | 234 | 16.7 | 11.3-22.1 | |
55-64 | 150 | 18.5 | 11.6-25.4 | 165 | 22.0 | 13.8-30.2 | |
65+ | 149 | 11.1 | 5.6-16.6 | 201 | 9.6 | 4.6-14.6 | |
Race/ Ethnicity |
White,Non-Hispanic | 579 | 25.5 | 21.3-29.7 | 598 | 20.2 | 16.4-24.0 |
Black,Non-Hispanic | 240 | 16.4 | 11.2-21.6 | 291 | 15.4 | 10.7-20.1 | |
Hispanic | 340 | 21.6 | 16.5-26.7 | 302 | 18.0 | 12.9-23.1 | |
Other | 126 | 16.6 | 9.3-24.0 | 159 | 20.3 | 12.1-28.5 | |
Education | < High School | 193 | 23.1 | 16.2-27.0 | 201 | 22.1 | 15.4-28.8 |
High School | 296 | 21.1 | 15.9-26.3 | 328 | 22.2 | 16.6-27.8 | |
Some College | 281 | 21.1 | 15.7-26.5 | 304 | 20.2 | 14.8-25.6 | |
College Grad+* | 540 | 19.7 | 15.6-23.8 | 541 | 12.1 | 9.1-15.1 | |
*Significant change from 2001-2002, p<0.05. **95% Confidence Interval |
New York State Exclusive of New York City | 2001 | 2002 | |||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | ||
Total | 2568 | 24.4 | 22.4-26.4 | 3066 | 24.3 | 22.5-26.1 | |
Gender | Male | 1064 | 27.5 | 24.4-30.6 | 1240 | 27.1 | 24.1-30.1 |
Female | 1504 | 21.7 | 19.1-24.3 | 1826 | 21.6 | 19.4-23.8 | |
Age (yrs.) | 18-24 | 196 | 35.0 | 26.7-43.3 | 214 | 37.8 | 30.8-45.6 |
25-34 | 444 | 32.6 | 27.7-37.5 | 477 | 26.9 | 22.3-31.5 | |
35-44 | 589 | 29.1 | 24.8-43.4 | 643 | 28.3 | 24.4-32.2 | |
45-54 | 519 | 27.0 | 22.7-31.3 | 654 | 26.6 | 22.6-30.6 | |
55-64 | 330 | 16.6 | 11.9-21.3 | 430 | 17.9 | 13.8-22.0 | |
65+ | 447 | 10.6 | 7.5-13.7 | 614 | 11.1 | 8.1-14.1 | |
Race/ Ethnicity |
White,Non-Hispanic | 2182 | 24.8 | 22.7-26.9 | 2590 | 23.8 | 21.9-25.7 |
Black,Non-Hispanic | 121 | 20.8 | 12.2-29.4 | 133 | 28.3 | 19.2-37.4 | |
Hispanic | 138 | 22.4 | 14.2-30.6 | 158 | 27.6 | 19.0-36.2 | |
Other | 98 | 27.5 | 17.0-37.9 | 151 | 23.1 | 15.3-30.9 | |
Education | < High School | 190 | 37.3 | 29.1-45.5 | 236 | 42.4 | 34.7-50.1 |
High School | 756 | 31.0 | 27.3-34.7 | 944 | 28.8 | 25.4-32.2 | |
Some College | 723 | 27.2 | 23.1-31.1 | 785 | 26.2 | 22.3-30.1 | |
College Grad+ | 891 | 12.1 | 9.7-14.5 | 1091 | 13.6 | 11.2-16.0 | |
No significant changes from 2001-2002. **95% Confidence Interval |
No significant changes from 2001-2002.
* Significant change from 2001-2002, p<0.05.
Year | Current Smokers (%) | Everyday Smokers (%)* | Some day Smokers (%)* |
1996 | 23.3 | 19.2 | 4.0 |
1997 | 23.1 | 19.1 | 4.0 |
1998 | 24.1 | 18.4 | 5.7 |
1999 | 21.8 | 17.0 | 4.8 |
2000 | 21.6 | 15.9 | 5.7 |
2001 | 23.2 | 16.6 | 6.6 |
2002 | 22.3 | 16.9 | 5.4 |
*Trend analysis indicates significant change from 1996-2002, p<0.05. |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
Year | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** |
Everyday Smokers | |||||||||
2001 | 3882 | 16.6 | 15.2-18.0 | 1314 | 13.2 | 16.7-20.3 | 2568 | 18.5 | 11.1-15.3 |
2002 | 4449 | 16.9 | 15.6-18.2 | 1383 | 13.6 | 11.4-15.8 | 3066 | 18.6 | 17.0-20.3 |
Someday Smokers | |||||||||
2001 | 3882 | 6.6 | 5.7-7.5 | 1314 | 7.9 | 6.2-9.6 | 2568 | 5.9 | 4.9-6.9 |
2002 | 4449 | 5.4 | 4.6-6.3 | 1383 | 5.0* | 3.6-6.4 | 3066 | 5.7 | 4.6-6.7 |
*Significant change from 2001-2002, p<0.05. **95% Confidence Interval |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
Year | n | Avg | Std Dev | n | Avg | Std Dev | n | Avg | Std Dev |
Everyday Smokers | |||||||||
2000 | 544 | 16.8 | 9.9 | 157 | 14.1 | 8.6 | 387 | 17.9 | 10.2 |
2002 | 677 | 16.2 | 9.7 | 171 | 14.0 | 9.6 | 506 | 17.0 | 9.6 |
Someday Smokers | |||||||||
2000 | 188 | 5.5 | 5.0 | 79 | 5.3 | 4.8 | 109 | 5.6 | 5.3 |
2002 | 206 | 5.2 | 4.8 | 66 | 4.3 | 3.8 | 140 | 5.6 | 5.2 |
No significant changes from 2000-2002. |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | |
Within past month | |||||||||
2000 | 864 | 2.4 | 1.2-3.5 | 255 | 3.1 | 0.7-5.5 | 609 | 2.1 | 0.8-3.3 |
2002 | 1142 | 2.2 | 1.0-3.3 | 266 | 3.5 | 0.3-6.7 | 876 | 1.7 | 0.7-2.8 |
Within past 3 months | |||||||||
2000 | 864 | 1.6 | 0.7-2.5 | 255 | 2.0 | 1.0-3.0 | 609 | 1.4 | 0.4-2.4 |
2002 | 1142 | 1.9 | 1.0-2.8 | 266 | 3.7 | 1.3-6.1 | 876 | 1.3 | 0.4-2.2 |
Within past 6 months | |||||||||
2000 | 864 | 3.7 | 0.9-6.4 | 255 | 3.2 | 0.9-5.5 | 609 | 3.9 | 0.1-7.6 |
2002 | 1142 | 3.4 | 2.1-4.8 | 266 | 3.6 | 1.3-5.9 | 876 | 3.4 | 1.8-5.0 |
Within past year | |||||||||
2000 | 864 | 5.7 | 3.8-7.6 | 255 | 7.1 | 3.0-11.2 | 609 | 5.1 | 3.1-7.1 |
2002 | 1142 | 2.8* | 1.8-3.9 | 266 | 4.3 | 1.6-7.1 | 876 | 2.4* | 1.3-3.5 |
Within past 5 years | |||||||||
2000 | 864 | 18.6 | 15.4-21.9 | 255 | 16.6 | 11.6-21.5 | 609 | 19.5 | 15.4-23.6 |
2002 | 1142 | 15.7 | 13.2-18.2 | 266 | 16.9 | 11.1-22.7 | 876 | 15.3 | 13.2-18.2 |
*Significant change from 2000-2002, p<0.05. **95% Confidence Interval |
The percentage of everyday smokers (those who have smoked 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and now smoke every day) in New York State and New York City who made an attempt to quit smoking in the past 12 months increased significantly from 2001-2002 (p<0.05). (See Table 8).
Non-significant increases among everyday smokers in New York State who made cessation attempts were also observed when comparing rates by gender and race (see Figure 3). The percent of black smokers who have made a quit attempt in the past 12 months (73.5%) is close to the Healthy People 2010 (HP2010) target for cessation attempts of 75%.
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||||||||
Year | n | % | ±C.I.** | t | p-value | n | % | ±C.I.** | t | p-value | n | % | ±C.I.** | t | p-value |
2001 | 661 | 49.6 | 4.7 | 2.58 | 0.010 | 175 | 50.8 | 8.6 | 2.23 | 0.026 | 486 | 49.1 | 5.6 | 1.68 | 0.093 |
2002 | 740 | 57.9* | 4.2 | 194 | 64.2* | 8.1 | 546 | 55.5 | 4.9 | ||||||
*Significant change from 2001-2002, p<0.05. **95% Confidence Interval |
The percentage of smokers and former smokers who have heard, read or seen cessation information in various marketing venues increased non-significantly from 2000 to 2002 (see Table 9). Importantly, over 90% of current and former smokers were exposed to cessation information in one or more media outlets. Television or radio reached more than three fourths of the adult population that smoke, while family/friends/coworkers, newspapers and other printed materials, billboards and health care providers reach more than the majority of adult smokers and former smokers (see Table 10).
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
Year | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** |
2000 | 528 | 85.8 | 82.1-89.5 | 174 | 82.4 | 74.8-90.1 | 354 | 87.3 | 83.3-91.4 |
2002 | 1009 | 91.4 | 89.2-93.6 | 282 | 89.9 | 85.6-94.3 | 727 | 92.0 | 89.5-94.5 |
No significant changes from 2000-2002. **95% Confidence Interval |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | |
2000 | 457 | 85.8 | 82.2-89.3 | 149 | 88.5 | 82.9-94.2 | 308 | 84.6 | 80.1-89.1 |
2002 | 930 | 87.6 | 85.1-90.1 | 254 | 88.8 | 83.1-94.4 | 676 | 87.1 | 84.4-89.8 |
2000 | 458 | 46.6 | 40.9-52.3 | 149 | 54.1 | 44.9-63.3 | 309 | 43.4 | 36.4-50.4 |
2002 | 917 | 55.5 | 51.7-59.3 | 251 | 63.2 | 55.7-70.7 | 666 | 52.5 | 48.1-57.0 |
2000 | 458 | 59.7 | 53.7-65.6 | 149 | 62.7 | 53.7-71.8 | 309 | 58.3 | 50.8-65.8 |
2002 | 932 | 58.6 | 54.8-62.4 | 255 | 62.1 | 54.7-69.6 | 677 | 57.3 | 52.8-61.7 |
2000 | 458 | 76.1 | 71.4-80.7 | 149 | 76.5 | 68.6-84.4 | 309 | 75.9 | 70.2-81.6 |
2002 | 932 | 64.4 | 60.7-68.0 | 255 | 63.6 | 56.1-71.0 | 677 | 64.7 | 60.5-68.8 |
2000 | 457 | 74.4 | 69.8-79.1 | 148 | 79.3 | 72.5-86.1 | 309 | 72.4 | 66.4-78.3 |
2002 | 929 | 13.0 | 10.2-15.7 | 253 | 16.9 | 10.8-23.0 | 676 | 11.5 | 8.5-14.4 |
2000 | 456 | 13.1 | 9.5-16.7 | 147 | 18.6 | 10.8-26.4 | 309 | 10.7 | 7.0-14.4 |
2002 | 929 | 13.0 | 10.2-15.7 | 253 | 16.9 | 10.8-23.0 | 676 | 11.5 | 8.5-14.4 |
2000 | NA | NA | NA | ||||||
2002 | 925 | 5.7 | 4.1-7.4 | 251 | 6.9 | 3.6-10.1 | 674 | 5.3 | 3.4-7.2 |
No significant changes from 2000-2002. **95% Confidence Interval |
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
Rules regarding smoking in the home have changed significantly among smokers and non-smokers. The percentage of smokers in New York State who live in homes where smoking is allowed in some places decreased significantly from 33.8% in 2000 to 27.2% in 2002 (p<0.05) and the percent of smokers who live in homes where smoking is not allowed increased significantly from 28.6% in 2000 to 36.1% in 2002 (p<0.05). Smokers in the rest of the state who live in homes where smoking is allowed in some places decreased significantly from 32.3% in 2000 to 25.3% in 2002 (p<0.05) (see Tables 11-12).
The percentage of non-smokers in New York State who live in homes where smoking is not allowed remained steady at about 73%.
The percentage of New Yorkers employed in jobs where smoking is not allowed did not change between1999 to 2002 (see Table 13). It is important to note that, in July 2003, New York State passed a Clean Indoor Air law prohibiting smoking in most workplaces. These indicators will be closely monitored for the effect on workplace exposure to second-hand smoke.
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | |||
No one is allowed to smoke anywhere | Smoker | 2000 | 470 | 28.6 | 23.8-33.4 | 151 | 25.4 | 17.3-33.5 | 319 | 30.1 | 24.1-36.1 |
2002 | 897 | 36.1* | 32.2-40.0 | 241 | 34.3 | 26.4-42.3 | 656 | 36.8 | 32.3-41.3 | ||
Non-smoker |
2000 | 1,545 | 73.7 | 71.7-76.3 | 532 | 75.8 | 71.5-80.1 | 1,013 | 72.5 | 69.2-75.8 | |
2002 | 3,237 | 72.9 | 71.1-74.7 | 999 | 73.6 | 70.3-77.0 | 2,238 | 72.5 | 70.4-74.7 | ||
Smoking is allowed in some places | Smoker | 2000 | 470 | 33.8 | 28.9-38.7 | 151 | 37.2 | 28.1-46.3 | 319 | 32.3 | 26.5-38.1 |
2002 | 897 | 27.2* | 23.8-30.7 | 241 | 32.4 | 25.3-39.5 | 656 | 25.3* | 21.4-29.1 | ||
Non-smoker | 2000 | 1,545 | 15.2 | 13.1-17.3 | 532 | 14.6 | 11.1-18.1 | 1,013 | 15.6 | 13.0-18.2 | |
2002 | 3,237 | 8.8* | 7.6-10.0 | 999 | 10.8 | 8.4-13.3 | 2,238 | 7.8* | 6.5-9.1 | ||
Smoking is permitted anywhere/***There are no rules about smoking in the home | Smoker | 2000 | 470 | 37.5 | 32.5-42.5 | 151 | 37.4 | 28.3-46.5 | 319 | 37.6 | 31.6-43.6 |
2002 | 897 | 36.7 | 32.9-40.4 | 241 | 33.3 | 26.1-40.5 | 656 | 37.9 | 33.6-42.3 | ||
Non-smoker | 2000 | 1,545 | 11.1 | 9.3-12.9 | 532 | 9.5 | 6.7-12.3 | 1,013 | 11.9 | 9.6-14.2 | |
2002 | 3,237 | 18.3* | 16.7-19.9 | 999 | 15.5* | 12.8-18.3 | 2,238 | 19.7* | 17.8-21.6 | ||
*Significant change from 2000-2002, p<0.05 **95% Confidence Interval ***Additional response These two responses were combined into one response category for BRFSS 2000 and treated as separate responses for BRFSS 2002. For the purpose of this analysis, the two responses are combined. |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | ||||||||||
n | % change |
t | p-value | n | % change |
t | p-value | n | % change |
t | p-value | |
Smoker 2001 | 470 | 7.5 | 2.35 | 0.019 | 151 | 8.9 | 1.55 | 0.122 | 319 | 6.7 | 1.76 | 0.078 |
2002 | 897 | 241 | 656 | |||||||||
Non-smoker 2001 | 1,545 | -0.8 | -0.51 | 0.613 | 532 | -2.2 | -0.80 | 0.422 | 1.013 | 0.0 | -0.02 | 0.985 |
2002 | 3,237 | 999 | 2,238 | |||||||||
Smoker 2001 | 470 | -6.6 | -2.16 | 0.031 | 151 | -4.8 | -0.82 | 0.415 | 319 | -7.1 | -1.99 | 0.047 |
2002 | 897 | 241 | 656 | |||||||||
Non-smoker 2001 | 1,545 | -6.4 | -5.14 | 0.000 | 532 | -3.8 | -1.73 | 0.084 | 1.013 | -7.8 | -5.17 | 0.000 |
2002 | 3,237 | 999 | 2,238 | |||||||||
Smoker 2001 | 470 | -0.9 | -0.28 | 0.780 | 151 | -4.1 | -0.70 | 0.484 | 319 | 0.4 | 0.09 | 0.926 |
2002 | 897 | 241 | 656 | |||||||||
Non-smoker 2001 | 1,545 | 7.2 | 5.95 | 0.000 | 532 | 6.0 | 3.02 | 0.003 | 1.013 | 7.8 | 5.14 | 0.000 |
2002 | 3,237 | 999 | 2,238 |
New York State | New York City | Rest of State | |||||||
n | % | C.I.** | n | % | C.I.** | n | %t | C.I.** | |
1999 | 1,253 | 83.7 | 81.3-86.1 | 451 | 85.6 | 81.9-89.3 | 802 | 82.6 | 79.5-85.7 |
2002 | 2,069 | 81.3 | 79.1-83.4 | 636 | 78.3 | 73.9-82.6 | 1,433 | 82.8 | 80.5-85.1 |
1999 | 1,253 | 10.1 | 8.1-12.1 | 451 | 8.4 | 5.4-114 | 802 | 11.1 | 8.5-13.7 |
2002 | 2,069 | 11.2 | 9.5-12.9 | 636 | 12.0 | 8.6-15.3 | 1,433 | 10.8 | 8.9-12.7 |
1999 | 1,253 | 1.8 | 0.9-2.7 | 451 | 1.4 | 0.2-2.6 | 802 | 2.1 | 0.9-3.3 |
2002 | 2,069 | 1.8 | 1.0-2.5 | 636 | 1.9 | 0.2-3.5 | 1,433 | 1.7 | 0.9-2.5 |
1999 | 1,253 | 4.4 | 3.1-5.7 | 451 | 4.6 | 2.4-6.8 | 802 | 4.2 | 2.7-5.7 |
2002 | 2,069 | 5.8 | 4.5-7.1 | 636 | 7.9 | 4.9-10.9 | 1,433 | 4.7 | 3.5-6.0 |
No significant changes from 1999-2002. * *95% Confidence Interval |
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