PPS Provider Appeals - DY1 Q3

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PPS Provider Name: Refuah Community Health Collaborative Appeal 1 of 1

Provider successfully appealed the Independent Assessor´s findings relative to Governance Milestone 6.

Independent Assessor initially failed the PPS for Governance Milestone 6 which required the PPS to demonstrate that it had finalized partnership agreements/contracts with the CBOs it had engaged. The PPS failed to establish that it had finalized partnership agreements/contracts with all the CBOs it had engaged.

Upon appeal, the PPS Provider presented narratives that showed where they had contracted with all partners that the PPS could eventually partner with. Although the PPS did not show partnership agreements with some of CBOs it had intended to engage, the PPS explained that those CBOs were never going to engage with the PPS and as a result the IA overturned its initial determination.