Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual statewide random telephone and cellular surveillance survey designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The survey is conducted in all 50 states and US territories. BRFSS monitors modifiable risk behaviors and other factors contributing to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the population. Data from the BRFSS are useful for planning, initiating, and supporting health promotion and disease prevention programs at the state and federal level, and monitoring progress toward achieving health objectives for the state and nation. New York State's BRFSS sample is representative of the adult population living in private residences or college housing who have either a landline or cellular telephone, aged 18 years and older. Adults living in group homes or congregate settings are excluded from the survey.
The 2023 public use dataset and supporting documentation are now available on Health Data NY.
2021 BRFSS health indicators by county and region are now available
Local health indicators by county and region based on 2021 BRFSS data are available via Health Data NY. The 2021 local data are available for over 50 indicators at the county, DSRIP region, NYC/ROS, and state levels. More detail is available on the Expanded Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System page.
Survey Respondents
Data collection for the BRFSS is currently conducted by ICF Macro, Inc. via call centers located throughout the United States. This is a legitimate data collection effort conducted on behalf of the NYS Department of Health for the purpose of supporting a range of NYS public health programs. Although your participation is encouraged, the survey is voluntary. Our interviewers will not ask you for your last name, address, or other personal information that can identify you. The information you provide will not be connected to any personal information. If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the BRFSS survey or want to verify that you were selected for the survey, you may contact the BRFSS coordinator via (email) or (518) 473-0673 (phone).
Annual BRFSS Datasets and Metadata
Statewide representative samples are collected monthly and aggregated into yearly datasets made available to the public.
County Level Data
Expanded BRFSS augments the annual CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS). The goal of Expanded BRFSS is to collect county-specific data on preventative health practices, risk factors, injuries, and preventable chronic and infectious diseases. Topics assessed by the Expanded BRFSS include tobacco use, physical inactivity, diet, use of cancer screening services and other factors linked to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. County level data are currently available for 2002-03, 2008-09, 2013-14, 2016, 2018 and 2021. The next expanded survey is being planned for 2024.
Data Requests
Access to BRFSS or Expanded BRFSS datasets with select non-public variables is available upon request with approval. Requestors will need to complete a data request form, and a confidentiality agreement. Both documents are obtained via email request:
Technical assistance is available for BRFSS data users upon request.
BRFSS Program Specific Summary Reports
New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) generated BRFSS Reports from 1995 through the present. Each report provides key findings about a specific topic, graphs and tables, references and contact information.
Briefs are available for the following topics: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Alcohol Use, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Cannabis Use, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Disease Self-Management, Cognitive Decline, Diabetes, Disability, Epilepsy, Injury, Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity, Physical Activity, Prediabetes, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Tobacco, Veterans’ Health, Vision, and Worker Health.
Information for Action (IFA)
The Information for Action (IFA) is a one-page report about a specific topic that provides relevant data to mobilize public health action. Each IFA includes a take home message, quick facts containing relevant data to support the take home message, language describing a public health opportunity and contact information for obtaining more information. County-level IFAs provide information about a topic in all 62 counties.
IFAs are available under the following topics: Access to Quality Health Care, Alcohol Use, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Disability and Health, Obesity, Physical Activity, Prediabetes, Nutrition, Tobacco, and Worksite Health Promotion.
Health Data New York
Health Data NY is an open data site devoted solely to New York State Department of Health data, accompanied by targeted public health messaging, extensive metadata and customized visualizations.
National level questionnaires, datasets, survey results, documentation and much more are all available at the CDC's BRFSS website.
For more information, contact the BRFSS program at:
- New York State Department of Health, ESP Corning Tower Rm 1084, Albany, NY 12237
- Phone: (518) 473-0673