Testing Sites
Two good reasons to have an HIV test:
- If you're not infected, you can learn how to stay that way.
- If you are infected, new treatments can keep you healthy.
Dos buenas razones para someterse a la prueba del VIH:
- Si no estás infectado/a, puedes aprender a prevenir la infección.
- Si estás infectado/a, hay tratamientos nuevos que puden mantenerte sano/a.
Confidential HIV and STD Testing
For HIV/AIDS and STD information, referrals or information on how to get tested at low or no cost, contact your local health department or the regional program closest to the county you live in.
- Local Health Department HIV/STD Clinics
- Local Health Department and NYSDOH Regional Contacts for Partner Services for STI/HIV
Other Related Information and Sites:
- HIV/AIDS Statistics in New York State
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- HIV Clinical Resource - Office of the Medical Director
NYS HIV Testing Information Line
The H-Line/NY HIV Hotline
- English: 1-800-541-2437
- Español: 1-800-233-7432