Opioid Overdose Prevention Resources for School Settings

Schools, school districts and Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) districts may voluntarily implement opioid overdose prevention programs to protect the lives of students, and staff. The NYS Education Department (NYSED), the New York State Center for School Health (NYSCSH) and the NYS Department of Health encourage schools to implement an opioid overdose prevention program and in doing so, should develop policies and follow guidelines using the resources promulgated by the Departments as outlined below. If a school, school district or BOCES district chooses to become a registered opioid overdose prevention program, it needs to follow the registration and reporting requirements of the New York State Department of Health. All school personnel other than school nurses need to be trained with the NYSDOH-approved SED online training.


NYSDOH Resources

School and BOCES Districts in NYS Registered as Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs

Obtaining Free Naloxone