Office of Sexual Health and Epidemiology

The New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute’s Office of Sexual Health and Epidemiology (OSHE) is dedicated to serving as a leader in sexual health through innovative public health practice and ethical use of data to promote sexual positivity and provide resources that directly and indirectly influence everyone to live a sexually healthy life. Our vision is to individualize and normalize sexual health; ensure the prevention, treatment, and elimination of sexually transmitted infections; and implement holistic community impact.​

Who We Are

Our Office is dedicated to promoting sexual health among all New Yorkers. We define sexual health as, "the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives" and believe it is fundamental to the overall health and well-being of the communities we serve.

Your Sexual Health Matters!

Sexual health is multifaceted and encompasses physical, emotional, and social aspects. Prioritizing it contributes to a fulfilling and healthy life.
Being sexually healthy means:

  • Knowing that sexuality is a full and natural part of life and involves more than sexual behavior.
  • Being able to have sexual pleasure, satisfaction, and intimacy when desired.
  • Being able to talk about sexual health with others including sexual partners and health care providers.
  • Being able to recognize and respect the sexual rights we all share.
  • Having access to sexual health information, education, and care.
  • Putting a stop to Sexually Transmitted Infections and unplanned pregnancies and seeking care and treatment when needed. (source:

To access our HealthySex Campaign, click here