Inservice - Exercise Leader Training

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  1. Learn skills to perform the Tai Chi exercises with a level of proficiency.
  2. Plan and schedule classes.
  3. Engage class participants to follow exercises.
  4. Learn what is needed to maintain safety within the classes.


  • 1 hour is needed to view the entire contents of the CAREx exercise training program.
  • 15-20 minutes daily for 1 week is recommended to become proficient as an exercise leader.
  • Additional time may be required to practice exercises.


The combination of the training manual and the CAREx Exercise Leader Training DVD are designed to be a self-teaching tool.

  1. Before beginning this training you should have obtained copies of the DVDs. To obtain copies of the CAREx Exercise Leader Training DVD go to and send an email request.
  2. Print the contents of CAREx exercise manual (PDF, 2097KB, 37pg)
  3. Locate a quiet place with a DVD player to review training material.
  4. Review material in the exercise training manual first.
  5. View DVD and follow along with the exercise manual.
  6. Decide which staff should be trained as exercise leaders.
  7. Locate a room with a DVD player and television for training.
  8. Schedule time with appropriate staff who will be trained as exercise leaders.
  9. Print copies of the manual for each staff member.
  10. Gather staff and train using both the manual and the DVD.
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