
Sample Comments From Nursing Homes That Have Used And Adapted Breakfast Club

"After 6 months of holding the Breakfast Club successfully, we started inviting members of one participant's family as guests on a Saturday once per month. The residents enjoy preparing their favorite breakfasts for the 'family of the month.' The families are happy to see their loved one in the role of cook once again."

"Our residents wanted to invite their primary care aides to the Breakfast Club to show them what they could do. They would not let them help and served them as guests. It was very successful."

"We tried a Lunch Club for one group that could not make it in the morning. We prepared a light lunch: grilled cheese sandwiches with potato chips and pickles and cut up fruit for dessert. It was a big hit. We are going to do it again."

Description of Thriving Successful Lunch Club at Eddy Ford Nursing Home (PDF, 27KB, 4pg.).

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