
Currier, Rev. Jonathan, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Albany. Worship Services for People with Alzheimer's Disease and their Families: A Handbook. Eddy Alzheimer's Services, Marjorie Doyle Rockwell Center, 421 W. Columbia Street, Cohoes, New York 12047.

Worship Services for People with Alzheimer's Disease and their Families: A Handbook. Eddy Alzheimer's Services, (compiled by Elizabeth Pohlmann, Eddy Alzheimer's Services, & Gloria Bloom, Alzheimer's Association Capital District Chapter), Marjorie Doyle Rockwell Center, Cohoes, New York 12047. (518) 238-4164.


Clark, P.Y. A liturgical journey at Wesley Woods: Worship experiences within an inpatient geriatric psychiatric unit. Journal of Pastoral Care (Winter 1993), v. 47 (4), pp. 388-403.

Ellor, J.W., Steetner, J & Spath, H. Ministry with the confused elderly. Journal of Religion & Aging (1987), v.4 (2), pp.21-33.

O'Connor, T.S.J. Ministry without a future: a pastoral care approach to patients with senile dementia. Journal of Pastoral Care (Spring 1992), v.46 (1), pp.5-12.

Pardue, L. Models for ministry: The spiritual needs of the frail elderly living in long-term care facilities. Journal of Religious Gerontology (1991), v.8 (1), pp.13-23.

Richards, M. Meeting the spiritual needs of the cognitively impaired. Generations (Fall 1990) v.XIV (4), pp. 63-64.


Alzheimer's disease: a pastoral care challenge. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 1991 (Available from the ADEAR Center, 1-800-438-4380) 1 videocassette (18 minutes), brochure (6 pages), and booklet (18 pages).

Kit to train clergy to provide support to individuals experiencing cognitive loss, as well as their families. Includes a video entitled Even these may forget, a training manual, Alzheimer's Disease: A Pastoral Care Challenge, and the brochure Forgetfulness? Confusion? Fear? intended to be placed in church and information racks.

Call no.: WM 220 A4788 (booklet); WM 220 F721 1990 (brochure), WM 220 VC no.106 1990 (video) (available as of 4/97)


Alzheimer's Association. "Helping families face Alzheimer's: a guide for clergy." Chicago: Alzheimer's Association, 1988, 23 pages. Addresses ways to assist the Alzheimer's patient and family.

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