Empire State Association of Assisted Living (ESAAL) 32nd Annual Conference
- Document is also available in Portable Document (PDF)
Mark Kissinger, Deputy Commissioner
Office of Long Term Care, NYS Department of Health
May 17, 2011
Current Initiatives
- SOI #2 - On hold pending direction from the Governor´s office and MRT Sub Committee work.
- Uniform Assessment Tool Initiative - now known as the Uniform Assessment System - New York (UAS-NY)
UAS-NY: Background
- Many screening and assessment tools in use today; lack standardization and create significant redundancy.
- Conducted extensive research and identified excellent replacement candidate: interRAI Community Health Assessment.
- Procured services of GCOM Software to implement the interRAI suite electronically.
- Procured services of NYSTEC to assure quality and completeness of the system.
UAS-NY: Scope
- UAS-NY Will Be Used by Eight Long Term Care Programs:
- Assisted Living Program
- Personal Care Services Program; Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program
- Adult Day Health Care
- Long Term Home Health Care Program
- Nursing home Transition and Diversion
- Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver
- HCBS Waiver Care at Home Waiver
- Managed Long Term Care
UAS-NY: Status and Timeline<
- Vendors are Onsite and Working
- System Development: May 2011 to March 2012
- Beta Testing: March 2012 to May 2012
- Pilot Implementation: June 2012 to September 2012
- State-wide Implementation: September on
- Preparing for Statewide Implementation
- Will be sending out a Computer Readiness Survey; will be used to identify Beta and Pilot participants.
- Beta, Pilot and Implementation includes training on the UAS-NY and the interRAI assessment tool.
- Assisted Living Programs will be included
Current Issues:
- Recent retirements have resulted in several changes in assignments including a change in the personnel responsible for the review of the financial component. We do not anticipate this will cause any delays in processing.
- Please continue to work with your assigned Project Manager (and know your project number!)
- Architectural Issues: OLTC is reviewing internally the concept and process of self-certification.
- As a result of the ALR task force meeting it was decided to establish a work group to review the requirements for the medical evaluation and assessments for the ALR.
- This meeting is scheduled for the end of this month.
ALP Beds Right Now
- Currently we have 5,263 ALP beds up and running
- We are reviewing 57 applications for 3,392 additional ALP beds
- These combined cover 43 of the state´s counties
Status of ALR
- 49 ALRs Approved to date
- 227 ALR applications currently under review representing:
- 21,855 ALR beds
7,669 EALR beds
3,931 SNALR beds
- 21,855 ALR beds
- 132 ALR applications have been withdrawn (these are not included in the 227 total)
- 49% of all applications are awaiting a response from the applicant
- 11% are on hold per a request by the applicant
- Census Report Information:
- 469 of 478 have filed
- We currently have 149 Impacted Facilities
- We currently have 298 SSI Facilities Total census of 31,695 with a capacity of 38,868 (82%)
Next Steps:
Streamlining licensure process.
The following 7 slides outline the current licensure process.
Current Licensure Process
- New construction
- Renovation
- Conversion of existing beds
- Personal history forms
- Letters of Reference
- NYS Health Care Affiliations
- Out-of-State Health Care Affiliations
- Professional Licenses - OPMC/SED/Out-of-State
- Financial feasibility
- Financing arrangements (i.e., mortgage, commitments)
- Project cost
- Three-year operating budget
- Room Rates
- Financial Statements
- LEGAL REVIEW (Division of Legal Affairs)
- Corporation or Not-for-Profit
- Certification of Incorporation and/or Amendments
- -By-Laws
- Site Control -Lease/Deed/Purchase Agreement
- Certificate of Assumed Name/DBA
- Management Contracts
- Zoning
- LLC (Limited Liability Corporation)
- Articles of Organization and/or Amendments
- Operating Agreements
- Site Control: Lease/Deed/Purchase Agreement
- Certificate of Assumed Name/DBA
- Management Contracts
- Zoning
- Corporation or Not-for-Profit
- PUBLIC NEED (adult homes only)
- Letters of Support - OFA/DSS
- HMSA (Health Management Systems Agencies) Statement
Waiting List
- Part 2
- ALP Programs Only
MRT - Medicaid Redesign Team
- #5 - CHHA Utilization Controls
- #90 - Move to MLTC
- #200 - Regulation relief / reform
Central Office
875 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
875 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206
- Mark Kissinger, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Long Term Care 518-402-5673,
- Mary Hart, Director, Division of Assisted Living 518-408-1133, meh45@health.state.ny.us
- Guy Warner, Deputy Director, Division of Assisted Living 518-408-1624,
Regional Office
- Patricia Hasan, Capital District Regional Office, 518-408-5287
- Norine Nickason, Western Regional Office, 585-238-8185
- Kathleen Crissey, Central Field Office, 315-477-8472
- William Conron, Metropolitan Area Regional Office, 631-851-3086
Change of Address and FAX #
- Effective April 15, 2011 all of the Office of Long Term Care is now located at: 875 Central Ave
Albany, NY 12206
And the FAX number for Division of Assisted Living is:
All phone numbers remain the same.