Dear Administrator: Home Based Primary Care for the Elderly Demonstration Program

Date February 1, 2008
DAL DRS 08-02
Subject Home Based Primary Care for the Elderly Demonstration Program

Dear Administrator:

A new Section 2820 of the Public Health Law (PHL) was enacted in 2006 (Chapter 633 of the Laws of 2006). This law created a home based primary care for the elderly demonstration program. The stated goal of the demonstration program is to "determine the effectiveness of providing home based primary care services to elderly patients as part of an integrated program of long term care services". As part of this program, a selected provider will be authorized to provide both physician and nursing services in the home of patients that are age sixty-five or older and to other patients eligible for benefits under Medicare pursuant to federal law. The Department is authorized to approve up to three providers as part of the demonstration program.

In order to be an eligible provider, an applicant must be licensed to provide residential health care services. In addition, the applicant must provide the following services:

  • On-site Rehabilitative Services,
  • Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) licensed under Article 46 of the PHL,
  • Residential Services licensed by the State, and
  • Adult Day Services licensed by the Department.

Providers participating in this demonstration program will have to submit an annual report on the number of patients served, the type of services provided, the cost of the services, the sources of payment, and the number of patients served who no longer remain in their homes and submit reports with such other information as the Department shall require. The providers will also have to participate in quarterly conference calls. The demonstration authority is scheduled to expire January 1, 2011.

The department would like to begin the process of implementing this demonstration project and asks that you indicate whether your residential health care facility is interested in applying to be one of the three providers participating in this demonstration. Please indicate your interest by February 14, 2008 in writing or via e-mail to:


Mark Kissinger
Deputy Commissioner
Office of Long Term Care