Medicaid Redesign Team: Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group
Contact the MRT Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibility Work Group
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Medicaid Administration Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature
The annual report provides an update on the status of the activities the state has undertaken to assume Medicaid administrative functions. It also describes the plan and timeline for the assumption of additional functions.
- December 2022-2023 (PDF)
- December 2021 (PDF)
- December 2020 (PDF)
- December 2019 (PDF)
- December 2018 (PDF)
- December 2017 (PDF)
- December 2016 (PDF)
- December 2015 (PDF)
- December 2014 (PDF)
- December 2013 (PDF)
- December 2012 (PDF)
2012 Meetings
The Department of Health is reconvening the Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities work group to begin the process of developing an implementation plan for the assumption of Medicaid administrative functions, as it relates to the Governor's 2012-13 Executive Budget Proposal.
February 21, 2012 Meeting Materials
Meeting Audio
- 2/21/12 Meeting Audio (MP3, 11.8MB)
Meeting Materials
- Agenda (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF, 1.96MB)
March 15, 2012 Meeting
Meeting Materials
- Meeting Summary (PDF)
- Agenda (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)
Work Group Recommendations
Work Group Mission
- Identify the administrative impediments that prevent New York residents from accessing the health care services they need.
- Explore ways to make enrollment easier by reducing paperwork and other administrative requirements that do not add value or improve program integrity, while ensuring these streamlining activities are in concert with implementation of federal health care reform and operation of the health insurance exchanges.
- Consider consolidating programs to reduce confusion and administrative costs, with a priority focus on streamlining and centralizing long term care administration and services.
Work Group Members
The members of the Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities work group were selected by co-chairs and MRT members Steve Acquario and Ann Monroe.
Co-chair: Steve Acquario, Executive Director, New York State Association of Counties
Co-chair: Ann Monroe, President, Community Health Foundation of Western & Central New York
- Joe Baker, President, Medicare Rights Center
- Kate Breslin, President & CEO, Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy
- Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Executive
- Wendy Darwell, Vice President & COO, Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council
- Trilby de Jung, Senior Staff Attorney, Empire Justice Center, Rochester
- Robert Doar, Commissioner, New York City Human Resources Administration
- Melinda Dutton, Partner, Manatt Health Solutions
- Denise A. Figueroa, Executive Director, Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley, Troy
- David Jolly, Commissioner, Orange County Department of Social Services
- Deborah Mabry, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Morris Heights Health Center
- Michelle Mazzacco, Vice President/Director, Eddy Visiting Nurse Association
- Loren Ranaletta, President & CEO, Episcopal Church Home
- Martha Robertson, Chair, Tompkins County Legislature
- Hon. William J. Ryan, President, New York State Association of Counties
- Thomas Santulli, Chemung County Executive
- Robert H. Thompson, Vice President, Safety Net Programs, Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
- Francine Turner, Political Action Director, CSEA
Work Group Meetings
PLEASE NOTE: Space for meeting observers is EXTREMELY limited (first 20-25 people only – others will be turned away). Bring picture ID for access to all buildings.
A conference call phone number to dial in to listen (only) to these meetings will be posted to the MRT Web site at least one day in advance of each meeting.
Thursday, July 7, 2011, 10:00am to 2:00pm
- New York City – NYS Department of Health Metropolitan Regional Office
- 90 Church Street, 4th Floor, Conference Room A/B, Manhattan
- Minutes from July 7 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- Minutes (PDF)
- Recorded Conference Call from July 7 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- AM Meeting (MP3, 16.9MB)
- PM Meeting (MP3, 6.79MB)
- Meeting Materials:
- 7.7.11 - Meeting Agenda (PDF)
- Presentation: Program Streamlining (PDF, 1.56MB)
- Presentation: State-Local Responsibilities (PDF)
Thursday, August 11, 2011, 10:00am to 2:00pm
- Troy – NYS Department of Health Capital District Regional Office
- Saratoga Conference Room, Frear Building, One Fulton Street, Troy, NY 12180
- Minutes from August 11 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- Minutes (PDF)
- Recorded Conference Call from August 11 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- Meeting Audio (MP3, 26.3MB)
- Meeting Materials:
Thursday, September 8, 2011, 10:00am to 2:00pm
- Rochester – NYS Department of Health Western Regional Office
- Triangle Building, 335 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604
- Minutes from September 8 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- Minutes (PDF)
- Recorded Conference Call from September 8 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- AM Meeting (MP3, 15.5MB)
- PM Meeting (MP3, 7.7MB)
- Meeting Materials
Tuesday, September 27, 2011, 10:00am to 2:00pm
- Troy – NYS Department of Health Capital District Regional Office
- Saratoga Conference Room, Frear Building, One Fulton Street, Troy, NY 12180
- Recommendations Adopted by the MRT Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group at September 27 Meeting
- 9.27.11 Adopted Recommendations (PDF, 1.14MB)
- Minutes from September 27 Program Streamlining and State/Local Responsibilities Work Group meeting
- Minutes (PDF)
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