Social Adult Day Care Certification Process
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) May 29, 2015
- SADC Certification FAQ 5.29.15 (PDF, KB)
These FAQs respond to questions received by the New York State Department of Health, New York State Office for the Aging and New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General about the Social Adult Day Care (SADC) Certification process. Please consult all previously released materials in conjunction with the following FAQs. If you have any questions regarding this information, please send an email to the following address:
General Questions
Question Number | Question | Answer |
1 | Where do I apply for SADC Certification? | Certification may be completed by going to the following link on the OMIG website: |
2 | Can the Certification page be translated into another language? | Yes. At the top, right-hand corner of the OMIG webpage click "settings". This will show the option to translate. |
3 | Does this apply to AIDS Institute - DOH Adult Day Health Centers? | The certification does not apply to Adult Day Health Care. |
4 | If a SADC is a not-for-profit, and does not have an "owner", how should this section of the Certification form be completed? | The Certification form has been enhanced to indicate that this section is not applicable to/required for not-for-profit SADC entities. |
5 | Is there a way to verify a SADCs Certification through the OMIG website, in lieu of collecting the actual certificates? | No. |
6 | Are MLTC plans still required to conduct annual site inspections of SADCs? | Yes. All previous policies and requirements remain in effect. |
7 | Will we be receiving a certificate? If not, how do we notify the MLTC plan(s) we have successfully completed the Certification process? | The certifying entity will receive a confirmation email from the mailbox. The first line of the email will indicate whether the submitted certification was "ACCEPTED" or "NOT ACCEPTED". Please keep this email as documentation that you completed the certification process. If your certification was "NOT ACCEPTED" you must correct any deficiencies that prevented you from being able to answer affirmatively to any of the questions, and then complete and submit a new certification form indicating you meet all program requirements. |
8 | If an error is discovered after a Certification has been submitted (a typo, missing MLTC plan info, incorrect phone number etc.) is there a way to correct it or add the missing information? | You should complete and submit a new certification, which includes any new, updated and/or corrected information. The last certification submitted will be the certification of record. |
9 | After realizing an error in the Certification submission, another one was submitted. Can you void the first submission? | No. However, the last certification submitted will be considered the certification of record. |
10 | If a SADC is owned by a larger entity, whose social security number should be entered? Is the social security number treated separately from the FEIN in such instances? | For the section entitled "Social Adult Day Care (SADC) Information", please enter either the FEIN or SSN, whichever identification number is used by the entity on the 1099 Tax Form. In the absence of an FEIN, the SSN is being collected for identification purposes. The request for a SSN will be removed from the "SADC Owner Information" and "SADC Director Information" sections. |
11 | What if a SADC is in operation for less than a year and therefore could not yet perform an annual self-evaluation? In this instance how should question #12 be answered? | Self-evaluations can be performed at any time. |
12 | If a new contract is entered into before Certification is due again, do we need to make you aware of this - just as we would if a contract was terminated? | Yes. |
13 | We currently contract with MLTC plans and have already completed the Certification process. In a month or two, our SADC location will move to another site. How do we update our information? Do we have to submit a new Certification? | Yes. Please complete a new certification form with updated information. |
14 | Please explain why it is required to provide the SADC program director's social security number. I am uncomfortable in providing this employee information and find it unnecessary. | Social Security Number will be removed from the Owner and Director sections. |
15 | Do I need a Certificate of Occupancy? | Due to the fact that local municipal codes vary, specific questions regarding certificates of occupancy (COs) and whether one is needed for your facility should be directed to your local government building department. If you have a current, valid CO, answer "Yes" to the CO question, no further action is needed. If a CO is not required by your municipality, please answer by checking the box "CO not required by municipality". If you are unsure if you are required to have a CO, or if you are unsure if your facility/building has a CO, please answer "No". A "no" answer in this field will not preclude you from completing the certification process, but the State may request additional follow-up information. |
16 | The instructions for the self-monitoring tool state that this form has to be submitted annually. Is this form required to be submitted to DOH, OMIG or NYSOFA? | The self-monitoring form does not need to be submitted to any of these agencies. It should be maintained on file by the SADC. |
17 | If a MLTC has two drop downs, MLTC and FIDA, do we indicate both with a contact person for each? | Yes. |
18 | There is a statement that the annual self-monitoring form must be completed prior to applying for certification. Is this correct? | Yes. |
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