Solicitation for Public Comment: NYSDOH Demonstration Proposal to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Individuals

On March 22, 2012, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) will be publishing for public comment a proposal for a demonstration project that would provide all Medicare and Medicaid physical healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and long term supports and services through a fully-capitated managed care model.

NYSDOH is presently developing its draft proposal. NYSDOH is seeking stakeholder input. Several opportunities to submit comment or provide input around the draft proposal are available and additional opportunities are being scheduled.

This demonstration will provide a comprehensive package of services to all dual eligibles in the eight counties of Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, and Westchester. Enrollment would be phased, with dual eligibles that are enrolled in the Managed Long Term Care program being passively enrolled for January 2014 and all remaining full dual eligibles being passively enrolled for January 2015. Dual eligibles under the age of 21, those receiving services through Office of Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) waiver, and those receiving services in an Office of Mental Health (OMH) facility would not be eligible to participate. The following are the currently available opportunities to provide input prior to the draft proposal being published for an official 30 day public comment period:

The public comment period on the draft proposal will run from March 22, 2012 until COB on April 20, 2012. In addition written comments can be submitted to:

Please help us gather a broad range of public comments by sharing this request with your networks or any other stakeholders you believe would have interest.