Help! My Baby Won't Stop Crying!
- Help! My Baby Won't Stop Crying! Printable Chart (PDF, 250KB, 1pg.)
When your baby cries, it will probably be stressful and make you worry that you are not doing something that your baby needs. Crying is the only way babies have to communicate- it's how they tell you if they are hungry, sad, or uncomfortable. Sometimes, babies just need to cry even when nothing is wrong. Here are some tips to calm your baby down when he or she is crying. Hang this sheet up somewhere where you or anyone taking care of your baby is sure to see it. Make notes of which strategies work best for you and your baby. Add in some tips of your own at the end of the list!
Some ways to help baby ______________________ (baby's name) stop crying:
- Check to see if your baby is hungry, is too hot or too cold, or needs a diaper change.
- Check to see if your baby is sick or has a fever.
- Feed your baby slowly and burp often.
- Touch your baby - skin to skin contact will help to soothe and relax both you and your baby.
- Run a vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, or make some other white noise - this type of sound will help calm your baby.
- While sitting, lay your baby face down across your knees and gently pat or rub their back.
- Rock your baby.
- Play soft music, sing, or hum to your baby.
- Take your baby for a ride in the stroller.
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If your baby will just not stop crying, it is okay to place him or her in a safe spot, such as a crib with the sides up, and leave her to cry while you take a break. Once you have relaxed for 5-10 minutes, you will feel better and can go back to trying to soothe your baby.