Teen Suicide Prevention
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As a parent or caregiver, you can play a major role in identifying if a young person is considering suicide. Suicides and self-harm injuries are a growing public health concern. Each year, too many New York State residents die due to suicide. Many are treated at an emergency department or are hospitalized due to a self-harm injury. Suicide is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive approach to prevention.
Crisis Support
Dial 911 in an emergency if your life, or someone else's, is in imminent danger.
Dial 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL) available in English and Spanish
For anyone in crisis or in need of immediate help. Confidential free services available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Learn more or Chat on their website
These resources are still available:
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing (TTY): Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 1-800-273-8255
- Veteran's Crisis Line: Dial 988 and press 1, or text 838255
Additional Crisis Support
- New York State HOPEline: New York State’s 24-hour, confidential gambling and chemical dependency hotline offered in 7 languages. Offers support, information, and referrals. Call 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: A 24-hour hotline that provides safety planning, support, and resources for survivors of abuse and concerned friends or family members. Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) (TTY): 1-800-787-3224 Text START to 88788 or chat on their website
- Child Help USA National Child Abuse Hotline: 24-hour hotline to provide multilingual crisis intervention and professional counseling on child abuse to parents, teens, children, survivors and concerned friends or family. Call or text 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453) TTY 800-222-4453, or chat on their website.
- National Human Trafficking Hotline: A 24-hour, toll-free hotline to speak with a specially trained Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocate. Support is provided in more than 200 languages. Call 1-888-373-7888 Text 233733 or chat on their website
- The Trevor Project: A 24-hour hotline that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning young people (LGBTQI) ages 13-24. Call 1-866-488-7386, text 678678, or chat on their website.
- Trans Lifeline: Grassroots, trans-led hotline offering direct emotional and financial support and resources to transgender people in crisis Call 1-877-565-8860
- BlackLine: A space for peer support and crisis counseling for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), Femmes, and the LGBTQI community. Call or text 1-800-604-5841
Why Teens May Become Suicidal
There are many reasons why teens become suicidal. A suicide rarely has just one cause.
The teen years are an extremely stressful time for many. Untreated mental illness, especially depression, is the leading cause for suicide. Many people who die by suicide suffer from untreated or poorly treated depression resulting from difficult life experiences. These life experiences might include family changes or illness, loss of family or friends, and feeling lonely, helpless, hopeless, or depressed.
How to Identify if Your Teen is at Risk for Suicide
The following factors may increase the risk of suicide or attempted suicide. However, these risk factors do not always lead to a suicide.
- Depression and other mental disorders
- Substance-abuse disorder (often combined with other mental disorders)
- Feeling hopeless and worthless
- Previous suicide attempt(s)
- Physical illness
- Feeling detached and isolated from friends, peers and family
- Family history of suicide, mental illness, or depression
- Family or partner violence, including physical or sexual abuse
- Access to a weapon in the home
- Knowing someone with suicidal behavior, such as a family member, friend , or celebrity
- Exploring gender and/or sexual identity (LGBTQIA+) in an unsupportive family, community, or hostile school environment
- Incarceration (time in prison)
Factors That Can Help Protect Your Teen from Becoming Suicidal
- Effective medical treatment for mental and physical health problems and substance abuse
- Strong support network of friends, family, peer groups or outside activities
- Skills in solving problems, resolving conflicts, and handling disputes without violence
- Cultural and/or religious beliefs that discourage suicide
Warning Signs or Behaviors That Your Teen May be Thinking About Suicide
Teen suicide often occurs after a recent stressful life event in the family, with a friend, or at school. It is important for you to know the warning signs for suicide so you can get your teen the help they need. A teen who is considering suicide might have one or more of these behaviors:
- Suicidal ideation (thinking, writing, drawing or talking about suicide, death, dying or the afterlife)
- Dependence on alcohol or drugs
- Lack of a sense of purpose in life
- Trouble focusing or thinking clearly
- Increased withdrawal from family, friends, school, jobs, and society. Poor grades may be a sign that the child is withdrawing at school.
- Lack of interest in favorite activities
- Reckless or risk-taking behaviors
- Rash, bizarre or violent behavior
- Changed eating or sleeping patterns (such as being unable to sleep or sleeping all the time)
- Deep feelings of grief, uncontrolled anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and/or guilt
Signs That Your Teen May Have a Suicide Plan
- Threatening to or talking about wanting to hurt or kill themself
- Creating suicide notes
- Expressing odd or troubling thoughts
- Showing a dramatic change in personality or appearance
- Throwing or giving away or promising to give away valued possessions to family members or friends
- Talking about not being around in the future or "going away"
- Searching for and trying to obtain weapons, pills, or other means ways to take their own life
How to Help a Teen Who is Thinking or Talking About Suicide
- Do not ignore the warning signs.
- Talk openly with your teen and express concern, support, and love. If your teen does not feel comfortable talking to you, suggest that they talk to another trusted adult such as a family member, a spiritual leader, a coach, a school counselor, and/or a family doctor.
- Do not leave your teen alone
- Remove the objects your child might use to harm themself. Make sure your teen does not have access to guns, other possible weapons, and medications.
- Seek help immediately from:
- Your child's doctor
- Mental health services (ask your doctor for a referral)
- The nearest emergency room;
- Emergency services (911)
- A suicide hotline
New York State Laws Related to the Prevention of Suicide
Timothy's Law requires that health insurance providers provide comparable (similar) coverage for mental illnesses as they provide for other medical care. Timothy's Law ensures that adults and children with mental illness receive the same health care coverage benefits as those provided for physical ailments.
Only people covered by group health insurance, or a school blanket health insurance policy are eligible for the mental health benefits required by Timothy's Law. Group health insurance is insurance that you obtain through an employer or through an association, such as a chamber of commerce. A school blanket health insurance policy covers students enrolled in a college or university who purchase their insurance through the school.
Additional Resources
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Kid's Health by Nemours
- Suicide and Self-Harm Injuries
- National Institute for Mental Health
- New York State Office of Mental Health
- Self-Inflicted Injury Prevention
- Suicide Prevention Center of New York State (SPCNY)
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)