Priority Area: Healthy Environment - Lead in the Home

Reducing Lead Exposure in Homes

The New York State Department of Health is committed to the prevention of lead poisoning. Blood lead levels of all children in the State are tested and educational outreach is provided to families, caregivers, property owners and other interested parties on how to eliminate or prevent exposure to hazards in and around the home. Childhood lead poisoning can be prevented by the control or elimination of hazards in a child's environment.


  • By 2013, reduce the occurrence and consequences of lead hazard exposure and eliminate lead poisoning in children less that six years of age living in NYS.
  • By 2013, ensure consistent environmental management in at least 97% of all reported cases of children with blood lead levels of >20ug/dL investigated;
  • By 2010, build new collaborations and maintain existing partnerships with State agencies and other entities to implement the NYS Strategic Plan to Eliminate Childhood Lead Poisoning by 2010; and
  • By 2013, ensure that 100% of housing units identified with lead hazards have remediation activity initiated, enforcement action initiated, or are permanently vacated, within 90 days.

Data and Statistics

  • Surveillance data from the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPP) will be used to evaluate progress toward the overall program goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning.


The Evidence Base for Effective Interventions

Evidence-based guidelines and promising strategies to promote a healthy environment and reduce risks from lead in the home are summarized in the following reports:


Office of Children and Family Services

Association of County Health Officials

Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance

U.S Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Housing and Urban Development

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Health Disparities

The disparity is greatest in children between the ages of one and two who live in housing built prior to 1950 and live in poverty. Approximately 281,400 children fall into this category:

More Information

Center for Environmental Health
New York State Department of Health
547 River Street, Room 316
Troy, NY 12180
Environmental Health Information Line: 1-800-458-1158