The New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) and H1N1 Vaccine
What is NYSIIS?
The New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) is a confidential, secure, web-based system that maintains one consolidated immunization record for persons of all ages in New York State (outside of New York City). Public Health Law 2168 mandates health care providers report information on vaccinations administered to all persons less than 19 years of age. New York State Department of Health is working to eliminate the requirement for separate written consent for individuals 19 years of age and older.
As of September 2009, NYSIIS contains more than 2.4 million patient records and nearly 28 million immunizations. There are more than 6,800 individual users from 2,200 different health care provider organizations and 1,012 schools across the state.
New York State is not alone in this endeavor. As a nation, we are targeting the Healthy People 2010 goal of having 95% of children less than six years of age with two or more immunizations in an immunization information system. NYS is making great strides toward this goal. We are at 65.7% as of September 2009 – nearly double were we were one year ago.
Why Do We Need NYSIIS?
For the H1N1 campaign, NYSIIS will be essential for information tracking. The system will allow users to track vaccine inventory and usage on a daily and weekly basis, as required by the Federal government; will provide a key source of information on possible adverse events; will facilitate the generation of reminders for the likely second H1N1 dose by medical practices; will allow review of practice coverage rates, and will serve as a record of the immunization. In addition, by consolidating vaccinations from multiple visits and possible multiple providers into one reliable record, time and paperwork are reduced and accurate immunization histories for providers, patients, schools, camps, day-care centers and colleges will be available.
Will I need to participate in NYSIIS to receive H1N1 vaccine?
Providers who administer any immunization to persons less than 19 years of age are required by state law to report to NYSIIS. This includes the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) monovalent vaccine. Providers are also strongly encouraged to use NYSIIS to track immunization information for persons 19 years of age and older.
While many providers that immunize children already participate in NYSIIS, most providers that care for adult patients are not yet participating. NYSDOH will provide training, education and technological support to assist new providers.
How Do I Get Access to NYSIIS?
NYSIIS is accessed via the Health Commerce System (HCS), designed for the electronic exchange of health related data and information between health care providers and NYSDOH. Licensed health care professionals can apply for an HCS account at:
Once an HCS account has been established, providers must complete NYSIIS training, which authorizes access to NYSIIS.
How Do I Report Immunizations?
H1N1 immunizations can be reported using direct on-line data entry or by batch file transfer from an electronic health record or billing system. The following 47 systems are already approved to submit data to NYSIIS:
- ADS (Medex Premiere) (NEIC)
- Allscripts - MYSIS
- CDS (Contemporary Data Services)
- Cerner System
- CMI Medical Systems
- EasyBilling
- Ecast
- Eclinical Works
- Eclipsys
- EncounterPro
- EZImmune
- GE Healthcare -Centricity
- Hypocrates
- Iatric
- McKesson
- MD Everywhere
- MDOffice
- Medallies (working with NextGen)
- Medcomp
- MedData
- Medent (Community Computer/Health Sys Tech)
- Medfx
- Medical Communication Systems
- Medical Manager
- Medisoft/Medinotes
- Meditech
- MicroMD
- Mitchell McCormick
- NextGen
- Office Practicum
- PerfectCare
- Physician's Computer Company
- Physicians Solution
- PractiCare
- Practice Made Perfect
- Practice Partner
- Priority Management Group
- Pyramid Partner
- Quicksilver Computers
- Sage (Medical Manager)
- SoapWare
- Synamed
- Virtual Officeware
- Welligent
Where Can I Get More Information?
Contact NYSIIS Program staff at (518) 473-2839 or for additional information.