Model for Improvement - Review of Aim Statement Worksheet

Review of Aim Statement Worksheet (used by team to critique components of their Aim Statement)

Worksheet available in Word format.(doc, 1 page)

Coalition Name: _________________________________________________

Aim Statement being reviewed:

Review the aim statement for the components of a SMART AIM = Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely

  1. SPECIFIC - Is the statement precise about what the team hopes to achieve?

  2. MEASURABLE - Are the objectives measureable? Will you know if the changes resulted in improvement?

  3. ACHIEVABLE - Is this doable in the time you have? Are you attempting too much? Could you do more?

  4. REALISTIC - Do you have the resources needed (people, time, support?)

  5. TIMELY - Do you identify the timeline for the project - when will you accomplish each part?

Adapted from: Institute for Healthcare Improvement, How to Improve - Improvement Methods at :