Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries - Oswego
County of Crash
This data is based upon the county of crash. The data is derived from the Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES). CODES is a database that matches individual records from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Accident Information System to the NYS Department of Health emergency medical services (Pre-Hospital Care Reports) and Hospital Discharge databases. Please be advised that not all information may be available for all counties, as data based on frequencies of less than six are not reported to maintain the confidentiality of the crash victims.
- Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries, Oswego Roadways, 2014
This fact sheet gives an overview of the traffic-related injury problem on Oswego roadways. - Motor Vehicle Crashes in Oswego, 2014, Hospitalization and Emergency Department Outcomes by Specific Age Groups and Gender
This table gives outcome data on crash victims treated at a hospital, including the associated hospital charges, average length of stay, and diagnosis of traumatic brain injury by age group. - Motor Vehicle Crashes in Oswego, 2014, Hospitalization and Emergency Department Outcomes by Specific Types of Crashes/Contributing Factors, Role Types, and Restraint Use
This table gives outcome data on crash victims treated at a hospital, including the associated hospital charges, average length of stay, and diagnosis of traumatic brain injury. These are broken down by: specific crash types and contributing factors: alcohol-related, speed-related, distracted driving, failure to yield right of way, following too closely, passing lane violations and disregard of traffic control device; role type: bicyclists, motorcyclists, motor vehicle occupants, pedestrians and other; and restraint usage among motor vehicle occupants.
County of Residence
This data is based upon the county of residence. Data is derived from the Vital Statistics death files, Hospitalization Discharge Data Set, and the Outpatient Emergency Department Data. Please be advised that not all information may be available for all counties, as data based on means of less than two are not reported to maintain the confidentiality of the crash victims.
- Motor Vehicle Traffic Injuries, Oswego Roadways, 2012-2014
This fact sheet gives an overview of the traffic-related injury problem for Oswego residents. - Leading Causes of All Injury, Deaths, Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits, Oswego, 2012-2014
These charts give the leading causes of injury for Oswego County residents. Traffic-related injuries were the leading cause of injury-related death in Oswego, 2012-2014. - Motor Vehicle Traffic Injury, Hospital Discharge Disposition and Charges, Oswego, 2012-2014
This table gives outcome data on crash victims treated at a hospital, including the associated hospitalization charges, average length of stay, and diagnosis of traumatic brain injury by age group. - Incidence of Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic Injury, Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Emergency Department Visits, Oswego, 2012-2014
This table shows the mean annual frequency and rate per 100,000 Oswego residents of residents deaths, hospitalizations and ED visits due to unintentional motor vehicle traffic-related injuries in NYS from 2012 through 2014. In addition the mean annual frequency and rate per 100,000 residents for nine different age groups and gender are given. The mean charge of hospitalization, three year cumulative charges, percent of traumatic brain injury, and average length of hospital stay are also includedFor Direct Inquiries Contact:
- New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Occupational Health and Injury Prevention
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower
Room 1325
Albany, New York 12237
PHONE: (518) 402-7900
FAX: (518) 474-3067
- New York State Department of Health