Maternal Mortality Resources for Providers

NYSDOH reminds all New York providers that #MaternalHealthMatters. To support providers of all kinds who offer care and support for soon to be, pregnant, or post-partum New Yorkers, a list of information and resources is available below:

To enhance care of patients with mental health involvement, providers caring for pregnant and postpartum patients can utilize NYS Project Teach to obtain direct access to reproductive psychiatrists for information and case consultation. Visit or call (855) 227-7272.

Dear Hospital CEO/Birthing Center Administrator

Perinatal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives (PICHC)

The NYSDOH funds 26 PICHC programs statewide to support the development, implementation, and coordination of collaborative-based strategies to improve the health and well-being of individuals of reproductive age and their families. Each PICHC employs community health workers (CHWs) from the communities they serve, to engage women in prenatal care and ongoing primary and preventive health care.

Maternal, Infant and Early Child Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program

MIECHV supports pregnant women and families and helps at-risk parents of children from birth to kindergarten entry tap the resources and hone the skills they need to raise children who are physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and ready to learn. In NYS, MIECHV grant funds have supported the expansion of two evidence-based home visiting models: Nurse Family Partnerships (NFP) and Healthy Families New York (HFNY) Programs. Families that elect to participate in local, evidence-based home visiting programs receive advice, guidance, and other help from health, social service, and child development professionals.