Sample Videos & Resources On Using Music For Residents With Dementia
A song to set me free: Healing through music (1994). Sunshine Terrace Adult Day Center, 225 N. 200W., Logan, Utah 84321. (801) 752-9321.
Dromi, P. G. (1989) Dignity, activity and laughter: Programming activities for adult day care centers serving dementia victims. Los Angeles: Andrus, Gerontology Center, University of Southern California. One video cassette, (32 mins.), trainer's guide, and four handouts.
Bright, R. (1988). Music therapy and the dementias: Improving the quality of life. St. Louis, MO: MMB Music, Inc.
Lord, T.R. & Garner, J. E. (1993). Effects of music on Alzheimer's patients. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 451-455.
Millard, K.A., & Smith, J. M. (Summer, 1989). The influence of group singing therapy on the behavior of Alzheimer's disease patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 26, 58-70.
Prickett, C.A., & Moore, R.S. (Summer, 1991). The use of music to aid memory of Alzheimer's patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 28, 101-110.
Smith, S. (1990). The unique power of music therapy benefits Alzheimer's patients. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 14, 59-63.