
On-site training and re-training of volunteers and staff must be done for this to succeed. Hands-on training using sample items are the best way to communicate how to create the items. It is also easier for staff to understand how to use the items by having a trainer demonstrate an item's purpose and how to use it.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the basics of dementia (for volunteer training).
  2. List at least three benefits of using Simple Pleasures.
  3. Understand the benefits of using at least three Simple Pleasure Items.


Ongoing Training

5 min - Guidelines for Simple Pleasures

20 min - Explain purpose and how to use Simple Pleasure Items

5 min - Questions and Answers


  1. Review the Simple Pleasures intervention (Goals & Benefits, Program Structure, Outcomes, Troubleshooting).
  2. Create overheads or handouts on the Simple Pleasure Items for attendees to follow.
  3. Have sample items available if possible.


  1. Discuss the basics of Alzheimer's disease if appropriate depending on your audience.
  2. Discuss the purpose of Simple Pleasures and the items included, using pictures and sample items if available.
  3. Have attendees to describe how the items make them feel and also think of residents that could benefit from them.

For ongoing trainings, review steps 2 & 3.

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