Program Structure


5-45 minutes depending on attention span, interest and item

Participants in the Program

Group Size

1:1 or in small groups (no more than 5)

Selection of Residents

Resident Strengths and Qualifiers

  1. Resident expresses agitation, restlessness, wandering, and/or physically or verbally non-aggressive behavior.
  2. Resident sits without active engagement with the environment or other residents, staff or family.

Exit Criteria

  1. Resident no longer shows signs of disruptive behavior.
  2. Resident no longer shows signs of passive behaviors.
  3. Resident interacts independently within the environment and with other residents, staff and/or family.

Physical Environment and Equipment Needed

This varies depending on the item. Many of the items can be made for under $5 or with donated material. Please click on the links below for a description and picture of each item.

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