2024 Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR)

July 1, 2024

RE: Clarification #2 for Measurement Year (MY)
2024 Updates

Dear Colleague,

This letter contains information about edits incorporated into the 2024 Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements (QARR) Technical Specifications and the Patient Level Detail (PLD) for Measurement Year (MY) 2024 reporting. The updated files are posted on our Managed Care Information for Health Plans page. The revised specifications should be used in the plans' processing for MY2024 QARR.

This clarification includes the following changes made to the MY2024 QARR reporting requirements.

Change Version Version Date Section(s) Changed Change Summary
2 7/1/2024 2024 Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements Technical Specifications 2024 Quality Assurance Reporting Requirements Technical Specifications COVID-19 Immunization Status (CVS), NYS Measure (page 16)
  • Replaced the text "measurement year" with the text "measurement period" within Allowable Gap, Exclusions, and Numerator specifications.
Developmental Screening in the First Three Years of Life (DEV-N), NYS Measure (page 29)
  • Updated Numerator 2 & 3 specifications.
Patient-Level Detail File (PLD) Commercial PLD:
Asian American Subgroups
  • Updated description and values:
    • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
    • 00= Not applicable
    • If member's race is Asian, then identify the specific subgroup:
    • 20=Unknown Asian subgroup
    • 22=Other Asian subgroup
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroups
    • Updated description and values:
      • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
      • 0=Not Applicable
      • If member's race is Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander then identify the specific subgroup:
      • 7=Unknown Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup
      • 9=Other Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup
Medicaid PLD:
Asian American Subgroups
  • Updated description and values:
    • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
    • 00= Not applicable
    • If member's race is Asian, then identify the specific subgroup:
    • 20=Unknown Asian subgroup
    • 22=Other Asian subgroup Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroups
  • Updated description and values:
    • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
    • 0=Not Applicable
    • If member's race is Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander then identify the specific subgroup:
    • 7=Unknown Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup
    • 9=Other Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup
Exchange PLD:
Asian American Subgroups
  • Updated description and values:
    • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
    • 00= Not applicable
    • If member's race is Asian, then identify the specific subgroup:
    • 20=Unknown Asian subgroup
    • 22=Other Asian subgroup Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroups
  • Updated description and values:
    • If member's race is White, Black or African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Two Or More Races, Some Other Race, Asked But No Answer, or Unknown then Enter:
    • 0=Not Applicable
    • If member's race is Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander then identify the specific subgroup:
    • 7=Unknown Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup
    • 9=Other Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Subgroup

If there are any questions about the above edits, or if you find issues or have concerns with the MY2024 Technical Specifications manual or other documents, please email nysqarr@health.ny.gov.


Paloma Luisi, MPH
Director, Bureau of Quality Measurement & Evaluation
Center for Applied Research and Evaluation
Office of Health Services Quality and Analytics

CC:  R. Josberger
        E. Nichols
        C. Fan