PPS Provider Appeals - DY1 Q2

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PPS Provider Name: Bassett Healthcare Network Appeal 1 of 1

Provider successfully appealed the Independent Assessor´s findings relative to the speed and scale requirements for Projects 2.b.vii. and 2.c.i. for DSRIP Year 1, Quarter 2.

Independent Assessor initially failed the PPS for Projects 2.b.vii. and 2.c.i. on speed and scale requirements which required the PPS to meet at least 80% of their actively engaged commitment for patient engagement speed as indicated in the project plan application for each project. The Independent Assessor´s (IA) determined that the PPS did not submit adequate documentation to support that the PPS met at least 80% of their actively engaged commitment for patient engagement speed.

Upon appeal, the PPS presented information that the submitted Actively Engaged documentation format for Projects 2.b.vii. and 2.c.i. differed from the other Actively Engagement documentation as submitted for other projects, and that the IA misinterpreted the information submitted. In their appeal, the PPS explained that the requisite information was submitted in a timely manner and pursuant to the guidance, but, in an inconsistent format from other projects´ Actively Engaged documentation. As a result, the Independent Assessor overturned its original determination and the PPS was successful on appeal.