For Providers/Prescribers and Pharmacists

NY Medicaid Pharmacy Program (NYRx) Information for Providers

Effective April 1, 2023, Medicaid members enrolled in mainstream Managed Care (MC) plans, Health and Recovery Plans (HARPs), and HIV-Special Needs Plan (SNPs) will receive their pharmacy benefits through the Medicaid Fee-for-Service (FFS) Pharmacy Program instead of through their Medicaid MC plan as they do now. The transition does not apply to members enrolled in Managed Long-Term Care plans (e.g., MLTC, PACE and MAP), the Essential Plan, or Child Health Plus (CHP).

Transitioning the pharmacy benefit from MC to FFS will provide the State with full visibility into prescription drug costs, allow centralization of the benefit, leverage negotiation power, and provide a single drug formulary with standardized utilization management protocols simplifying and streamlining the drug benefit for Medicaid members.

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Medicaid helplines for providers
  • For enrollment and billing, call eMedNY 1-800-343-9000
  • For prior authorizations, call Prime Therapeutics 1-877-309-9493
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