Allegany County Department of Health and Hospital(s) Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Priority Selection and Partners
Allegany County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
I. Local County Department of Health - Priorities, Partners, Goals and Interventions
Community Health Improvement Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Public/Private Transportation
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or community based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Allegany County "Girls on the run Program"-increase physical activity, self -esteem; life skills
- National Diabetes Prevention Program
- Establish linkages with the OMH Early Recognition and Screening Initiative in the region
- Safe TALK curriculum; ASIST curriculum
- PCP training on SBIRT
Local Health Department Contact
- Name: Theresa K Moore
- Phone: (585)-268-9249
- Email
II. Hospitals - Priorities, Partners, Goals and Interventions
Cuba Memorial Hospital
Community Service Plan (CSP not posted )
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Promote evidence-based care promote education with "Girls on the Run" participants and self-care management
- Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Unspecified intervention
- Unspecificed intervention
Hospital Contact
- Name: Michele Conklin
- Phone: (585)968-2000 X - 277
- Email
Jones Memorial Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being in Communities.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Allegany County "Girls on the Run"; National Diabetes Prevention Program Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Establish linkages with the OMH Early Recognition and Screening Initiative in the region
- Safe talk
Hospital Contact
- Name: Julie Hart
- Phone: 585-596-4119
- Email