New York City Department of Health and Hospital(s) Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Priority Selection and Partners
Bronx County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
Kings County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
New York County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
Queens County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
Richmond County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
I. Local County Department of Health - Priorities, Partners, Goals and Interventions
Community Health Improvement Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Injuries, Violence and Occupational Health.
- Outdoor Air Quality.
- Water Quality.
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Child Health
- Reproductive, Preconception and Inter-Conception Health
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being in Communities.
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associated Infections: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Local Coalition
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Expand the role of public and private employers in obesity prevention
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations ex periencing health disparities
- Promote evidence-based care
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Reduce exposure to outdoor air pollutants
- Improve the design and maintenance of home environments
- Reduce violence by targeting prevention programs particularly to highest risk populations
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Reduce the prevalence of dental caries among NYS children
- Increase utilization of preventive health care services among women of reproductive ages
- Prevention of unintended and adolescent pregnancy
- Promote mental, emotional and behavioral (MEB) well-being in communities
- Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health p romotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
- Decrease HIV and STD disparities in New York State
- Decrease STD morbidity in New York State
- Guiding Principle: Reduce health disparity, promote health equity in chronic disease prevention (eg disparities in tobacco use, obesity rates, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, physical inactivity, cancer screening rates and premature deaths from card iovascular disease) and create and strengthen community partnerships that advance the following initiatives: Enforce tobacco tax laws, limit tobacco industry marketing to youth and limit exposure to secondhand smoke
- Expand access to smoking cessation services and incorporate tobacco use, treatment and referral into electronic health records
- Deliver health promotion media campaigns depicting the dangers of tobacco use
- Support implementation of NYC food standards, promote healthy foods in hospitals and other workplaces, lower sodium in processed foods, advocate for health food options for lower income New Yorkers, support policies that reduce consumption of sugary dr inks
- Increase access to health foods by transforming the retail environment
- Educate public on nutrition and risks of sugary drink consumption; provide nutrition education to children, parents and staff at childcare centers
- Improve the built environment to support active transportation and recreation, Increase opportunities for physical activity among children and assist communities to improve their physical environment
- Promote policies and practices to support breastfeeding
- Develop and implement strategic plan for HCV treatment, promote HCV testing and linkages to care for infected people and enhance provider awareness of care and treatment guidelines, increase HPV vaccination rates
- Enhance public and provider awareness of HCV screening, diagnosis and referral
- Identify areas of low HPV vaccine coverage in the city and initiate activities to raise coverage
- Promote colonoscopy screening for all people 50 years and older through Citywide Colon Cancer Control Coalition and gather data on colonoscopy quality and benchmarks in NYC
- Advocate for changes in coverage and delivery of clinical and community-based preventive services, use electronic health records to improve the delivery and quality of clinical preventive services and support providers in caring for patients with chronic disease
- Advocate for increased access to primary care and preventive services
- Expand capacity of and access to community health centers, improve timely communication between primary care providers and patients, improve care coordination among healthcare providers through information technology, promote adoption of electronic healt h records among primary care providers, develop measures of the accessibility, utilization and continuity of the healthcare system and use those measures to make recommendations for system improvements, assist with enrolling eligible New Yorkers in health insurance programs
- Promote oral health within primary care settings, raising aware ness about self-care and increasing access to preventive and essential restorative care
- The above listed chronic disease prevention strategies are designed in a culturally competent manner to address the diverse needs of the NYC community
- Guiding Principle: Reduce disparities and promote health equity for a safe and healthy environment (eg in rates of indoor air pollutants, asthma hospitalizations, tobacco use, , violence, and physical inactivity) and create and strengthen community partne rships that advance the following initiatives: Understand and help reduce levels of air pollutants by supporting transportation options that reduce air pollution (eg, public transportation, incorporating enhanced walkability or cycling, pricing strategies , and diversification of fuel)
- Incorporate Healthy Homes' education and inspections into other (non-health) opportunity points', eg, building inspections, firefighters annual fall fund drives, installation and inspection of CO alarms
- Raise public awareness about the value of integrated pest management, promote safer pest control and continue inspections, especially by city agencies and in housing
- Promote reimbursement by health plans for indoor asthma trigger reduction and counseling about reduction of asthma triggers by healthcare providers
- Improve the built environment to support active transportation and recreation, Increase opportunities for physical activity among children and assist communities to improve their physical environment
- Support policies to reduce the number of illegal guns in New York City and prevention programs
- Guiding Principle: Reduce disparities and promote equity in the health and mental well-being of women, children and youth (eg rates of childhood asthma, obesity, physical inactivity, vaccination and access to quality preventive and reproductive health ser vice) and create and strengthen community partnerships that advance the following health promotion initiatives: Promote Latch On NYC to reduce formula supplementation in healthy breastfed infants during the hospital stay, increase number of accredited baby-friendly hospitals in NYC through the NYC Breastfeeding Hospital Collaborative Ini
- Promote oral health within primary care settings, raising aware ness about self-care and increasing access to preventive and essential restorative care
- Support the implementation of comprehensive, evidence-based, age-appropriate sex education in schools and other community settings
- Increase awareness of contraception and sexual health resources available to teens through the health department's Teens in NYC mobile app, social media and programmatic activities (eg Bronx Teens Connection) Support the delivery of comprehensive clinic al family planning services, targeting resources to the highest-need communities and populations
- At the local level, facilitate referral networks to link clients in need of services to available resources
- Promote maternal depression screening, referral and treatment for perinatal women in pediatric and women's health settings
- Other Children and Youth strategies: Encourage screening of children for social-emotional development and mental health conditions in primary care settings for early identification, referral and intervention
- Encourage pediatric healthcare professionals to identify children at risk for developmental disorders and refer any child with developmental delays to the Early Intervention Program
- Advocate for Medicaid managed care policies that include additional mental health treatment and substance use disorder support services for children and youth
- Guiding Principle: Reduce disparities and promote equity in mental health and substance abuse services, and create and strengthen community partnerships that advance the following initiatives: Reduce fragmentation and improve access to care through the statewide planning process to transition behavioral health into managed care, advocate for policies that help people with serious mental illness become competitively employed and stably housed, reduce number of individuals with mental illness in jails
- Improve quality and reduce fragmentation of clinical care for persons with mental illness by assisting providers in adopting electronic health records and exchanging information with other providers
- improve coordination of care for individuals with both mental and physical health needs, improve the outcomes of individuals experiencing new onset schizophrenia and other psychoses, reduce preventable psychiatric hospitalizations
- Encourage pediatric healthcare professionals to identify children at risk for developmental disorders and refer any child with developmental delays to the Early Intervention Program
- Provide information and referrals to individuals and families experiencing a mental health problem, train non-mental health professionals in communities to respond to mental illnesses and substance use disorders
- Advocate for Medicaid managed care policies that include additional mental health treatment and substance use disorder support services for children and youth
- Encourage screening of children for social-emotional development and mental health conditions in primary care settings for early identification, referral and intervention
- Promote appropriate prescribing of opioid painkillers and advocate for improved access to naloxone
- Increase the number of New Yorkers receiving screening and brief intervention for excessive alcohol use and promote buprenorphine treatment and work with other agencies and community groups to reduce sales of alcohol to underage youth
- Continue raising awareness of the adverse consequences of excessive drinking, educate persons at risk and providers about prevention of opioid-related overdose deaths, raise awareness of the risks of prescription opioid analgesic misuse
- Guiding Principle: Reduce health disparities and promote equity in HIV , and STD prevention, and create and strengthen community partnerships that advance the following initiatives: Reduce disparities in viral suppression rates, condom use and HIV testing
- Advocate for and support policies of routinely offering HIV testing and expand access to sterile syringes
- Increase access to and quality of HIV antiviral treatment, promote prompt linkage to care among those newly diagnosed with HIV, increase condom accessibility and availability, increase access to sexual and behavioral healthcare among high-risk groups, pr omote and increase access to post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among people at highest risk of HIV acquisition
- Promote risk reduction among men who have sex with men and other high-risk groups, promote healthy living and risk reduction among HIV-infected persons and reduce risky behaviors among youth
- Develop and implement strategic plan for HCV treatment, promote HCV testing and linkages to care for infected people and enhance provider awareness of care and treatment guidelines, increase HPV vaccination rates
- Enhance public and provider awareness of HCV screening, diagnosis and referral
- Identify areas of low HPV vaccine coverage in the city and initiate activities to raise coverage
Local Health Department Contact
- Name: Eric Faisst
- Phone: (315) 366-2361
- Email
II. Hospitals - Priorities, Partners, Goals and Interventions
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
- Local Health Department
- Community Health Centers
- Health Insurance Plans
- Philanthropies
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Public/Private Transportation
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Reduce high and unnecessary use of costly acute and emergency room services
- Reduce health disparities in the medically underserved
- Reinforce Bronx-Lebanon's BronxCare Network of outpatient practices, including the Dr Martin Luther King, Jr Health Center
- Create a continuum of care for mental health/chemical dependency services within
- Bronx-Lebanon's Psychiatry Program
- Expand access to community based treatment
- Address the major needs in the Bronx Community for chemical dependency services
- Reduce use of costly inpatient levels of care
- Reduce fragmentation of care in the mental health/chemical dependency area
- Develop a comprehensive ambulatory care building (Health and Wellness Center) and expand access to preventive, primary, and specialty health care services
- Continue to expand and refine initiatives aimed at preventive and chronic health for the hospital's medically underserved, and ethnically diverse community
- Additional efforts are directed to asthma, diabetes, and obesity, as well as other chronic care initiatives
- The Completion of the Bronx-Lebanon Life Recovery Center, which integrates and coordinates inpatient, outpatient, and residential treatment for chemical dependency and related mental health disorders
- Establish the Health Home
- Community Health Interventions with the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, New York State Office of Mental Health, New York State Department of Health, New York City Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene, and other communi ty groups
Hospital Contact
- Name: Errol Schneer
- Phone: (718) 901-8595
- Email
Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associated Infections: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Philanthropies
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- Social Services
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- The CSP indicated another goal was being employed that was unspecified and did not match a specific goal identified in the Prevention Agenda
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Unspecified intervention
- Update and renew Memoranda of Understanding and linkages with community groups
- Identify and build new community relationships and strengthen existing relationships with CBOS, FBOs, community providers and community leaders
Hospital Contact
- Phone: 718-240-8533
- Email
Brooklyn Hospital Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Community Health Centers
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Decrease number of amputations in the diabetic population
Hospital Contact
- Name: Karen Jemmott
- Phone: (718) 250-8344
- Email
Calvary Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
- Hospital
- Philanthropies
- Faith-Based Organizations
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
- Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
- Decrease number of amputations in the diabetic population
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
- Community outreach symposiums in Southern Brooklyn focusing particularly on heart disease, diabetes and cancer prevention and treatment, in partnership with local community- and faith-based organizations-Operating a NYS-designated Health Home
- Provides Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous for community residents
Hospital Contact
- Name: Michael T. Troncone
- Phone: (718) 518 2254
- Email
Flushing Hospital Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Other: Eliminate smoking and other tobacco use on hospital grounds and campus
- Increase number of outpatient and inpatient tobacco users aged 13 and above who receive an intervention including counseling, referral for treatment and/or medication
- Educate the community about the dangers of tobacco use and how to quit
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Adopting tobacco-free outdoor policies
- Develop and maintain database of all employees regarding their tobacco use habits
- Counsel and refer for treatment all tobacco using employees and applicants for employment
- Achieve sustained quit-rate of 5-7% per year
- Establish employee support group
- Sustain NYC DOHMH Bronze Star status
- Assess 100% of outpatients, inpatients, and treat and release ED patients
- Increase interventions by third year to 85% (outpatients) and 65% (outpatients)
- Achieve sustained 5-7% quit rate at one year for outpatients
- Refer to Quit Line 100% of consenting tobacco users
- Achieve NYC DOHMH Silver and Gold Star status
- Establish quarterly educational forums on-campus for staff, visitors and community
- Collaborate with CBOs to host programs off-campus
- Set up information and referral tables at community events and health fairs
- Host a poster competition at local middle and elementary schools
- Implement maternity care practices consistent with the World Health Organization's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and increase the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals in NYS
- Link pregnant or postpartum low-income women to local WIC services for breastfeeding and other nutritional supports
- Continue to offer milk expression room for employees; private areas for breastfeeding at all ambulatory are sites
- Provide structured, comprehensive breastfeeding education and professional lactation counseling and support during pregnancy, in the hospital and at home
- Collaborate with CBOs, local businesses and the media to educate community on benefits of breastfeeding and support for breastfeeding
Hospital Contact
- Phone: (718) 206-6934
- Email
Hospital for Special Surgery
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Schools
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Unspecified Intervention
Hospital Contact
- Name: Sandra Goldsmith
- Phone: 212-774-2977
- Email
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Eliminate smoking and other tobacco use on hospital grounds and campus
- Increase number of outpatient and inpatient tobacco users aged 13 and above who receive an intervention including counseling, referral for treatment and/or medication
- Educate the community about the dangers of tobacco use and how to quit
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Develop and maintain database of all employees regarding their tobacco use habits
- Counsel and refer for treatment all tobacco using employees and applicants for employment
- Achieve sustained quit-rate of 5-7% per year
- Establish employee support group
- Sustain NYC DOHMH Bronze Star status
- Assess 100% of outpatients, inpatients, and treat and release ED patients
- Increase interventions by third year to 85% (outpatients) and 65% (outpatients)
- Achieve sustained 5-7% quit rate at one year for outpatients
- Refer to Quit Line 100% of consenting tobacco users
- Achieve NYC DOHMH Silver and Gold Star status
- Establish quarterly educational forums on-campus for staff, visitors and community
- Collaborate with CBOs to host programs off-campus
- Set up information and referral tables at community events and health fairs
- Host a poster competition at the Hospital's School-based Health Centers and other local middle and elementary schools
- Implement maternity care practices consistent with the World Health Organization's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and increase the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals in NYS
- Link pregnant or postpartum low-income women to hospital-based and local WIC services for breastfeeding and other nutritional supports
- Collaborate with CBOs, local businesses and the media to educate community on benefits of breastfeeding and support for breastfeeding
- Provide structured, comprehensive breastfeeding education and professional lactation counseling and support during pregnancy, in the hospital and at home
Hospital Contact
- Phone: 718-206-6934
- Email
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associated Infections: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Health Insurance Plans
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Public/Private Transportation
- Increase access to high quality chronic disease prevention care and management in both clinical and community settings
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Increase early access to and retention in HIV care in New York State
- Decrease HIV and STD disparities in New York State
- Decrease STD morbidity in New York State
- Increase and coordinate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) prevention and treatment capacity In New York State
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- NCQA 's Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) module is an innovative program for improving primary care; especially as it pertains to our chronic disease treatment
- The chronic disease focuses include: comprehensive diabetes care: blood pressure/nephropathy monitoring/HbA1 control/, monitoring colorectal cancer screenings, MU tobacco use/smoking cessation, cervical cancer screening, MU breast cancer screening, post specialty care visits/wait times, referrals & inadequate documentation
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Develop STD diagnosis and treatment capacity in settings beyond government clinics
- Institute methods to educate adults about the importance and safety of vaccines for their children and themselves
- Design all HIV interventions to address at least two co-factors that drive the virus, such as homelessness, substance use, history of incarceration and mental health
Hospital Contact
- Name: Enid Dillard
- Phone: 718-604-5201
- Email
Lutheran HealthCare
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Health Insurance Plans
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
- Expand the role of public and private employers in obesity prevention
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Promoting smoking cessation benefits among Medicaid beneficiaries
- Promoting NYS Smokers' Quitline
- Promoting smoking cessation among people with mental health disabilities through partnerships with the NYS Office of Mental Health
- Adopting tobacco-free outdoor policies
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
- Promoting of policies and practices in support of breastfeeding
Hospital Contact
- Name: Kathryn Ellard
- Phone: 718-630-7171
- Email
Maimonides Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Making community-based health education programs and other resources including medical evaluations, nutrition counseling and group exercise classes available, by partnering with local schools and businesses and NY Cosmos soccer team to improve the health of communities
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
Hospital Contact
- Name: Kalpana Bhandarkar
- Phone: 718.283.7699
- Email
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Promote evidence-based care
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Improve the design and maintenance of the built environment
- Support use of alternative locations to deliver preventive services, including cancer screening
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Promoting NYS Smokers' Quitline
- Adopting tobacco-free outdoor policies
- Promote healthy choices in cafeteria, reduce energy consumption
Hospital Contact
- Name: Community Affairs Dept
- Phone: 212-639-3199
- Email
Montefiore Health System
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Health Insurance Plans
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- Social Services
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Reduce the percentage of children that are obese
- Expand the role of healthcare and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Increase the number of unique callers to the NYS Quit Line
- Decrease the prevalence of cigarette smoking by adults ages 18 years and older
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Decreasing amputation rates among the diabetic population through education, outreach and treatment
- Increase physical activity in schools and the community
- Increase healthy eating opportunities in retail settings
- Launch health promotion and disease prevention campaigns
- Increase obesity related interventions in health care centers (i
- e
- YDPP Programs)
- Increase numbers of callers to quit linked documented via EHR
- Increase the provision of pharmacological nicotine replacement therapy
- Increase the prominence of quit smoking/tobacco cessation advertising, traditional and social media messaging
- Develop and implement local service networks and coordinating strategies to ensure that women with identified risk factors are linked to appropriate community resources
- Implement maternity care practices consistent with the World Health Organization's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and increase the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals in NYS
- Latch on NYC
- Provide structured, comprehensive breastfeeding education and professional lactation counseling and support during pregnancy, in the hospital and at home
Hospital Contact
- Name: Nicole Harris-Hollingsworth, EdD, MCHES
- Phone: (914) 378-6117
- Email
Mount Sinai Health System: Beth Israel Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change Referral Agency
- Local Coalition
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Unspecified Intervention
Hospital Contact
- Name: Bradley Korn
- Phone: 212-523-5942
- Email
Mount Sinai Health System: New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
Community Service Plan (CSP not posted )
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
Hospital Contact
- Name: Jessica Mikulski
- Phone: 212-979-4274
- Email
Mount Sinai Health System: St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
Hospital Contact
- Name: Bradley Korn
- Phone: 2125235942
- Email
Mount Sinai Hospital's Mount Sinai Queens
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being in Communities.
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associated Infections: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Social Services
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Promote evidence-based care
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Prevent and reduce occurrence of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders among youth and adults
- Prevent suicides among youth and adults
- Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
- Increase early access to and retention in HIV care in New York State
- Decrease HIV and STD disparities in New York State
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- The Mount Sinai Hospital and Mount Sinai Queens provide provides comprehensive clinical breast examinations breast health education, mammograms, and other diagnostic services as necessary, at no cost to eligible participants
- Mount Sinai Queens in partnership with the Cancer Services Program, and The Louis and Rachel Rudin Foundation, Inc
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Support health fairs
- Provide free care and case referral and culturally appropriate information breast health through early detection, treatment, and access to quality breast health services for the medically underserved or underinsured/uninsured in western Queens and Manhatta n
- Provide inpatient and outpatient mental health services, supportive counseling, and brief crisis intervention, as well as referrals for short- and long-term mental health services
- Patients who require psychiatric hospitalization are transferred to Mount Sinai Hospital, and patients with psychiatric disorders are treated through Mount Sinai Psychiatric Department
- Provide mental health services to patients at the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC) and its school- based health centers
- MSAHC provides counseling, support, health education, mental health, and family therapy services to the community, as well as specialized services to adolescent victims of child, physical, and/or sexual abuse, teen dating violence, intimate partner violenc e, rape, sexual assault, and commercial sexual exploitation (The Mount Sinai Hospital)
- Provide services to survivors of human trafficking and sexual and domestic violence through the Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program
- SAVI provides counseling, referrals, support services, and education for survivors
- Provide MH Services in School based health centers
- Develop STD diagnosis and treatment capacity in settings beyond government clinics
- Cultural and linguistic barriers exist within the Mount Sinai community
- Mount Sinai attempts to staff its programs with individuals who mirror its patient population, including those for communities of color, women, and GLBT identifying individuals along with peers living within the targeted areas
- Mount Sinai continues to expand its efforts to identify those infected with HIV at an early stage of the illness
- HIV-positive
- New York State law has mandated HIV rapid testing in primary care programs, emergency rooms, and inpatient units
Hospital Contact
- Name: Linda Hackett, MPA, Sr.Prog. Director Mount Sinai Hospital
- Phone: L. Hackett-212-731-7884; A. Rodriguez- 718-808-7726
- Email;
NY University Langone Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Local Health Department
- Community Health Centers
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Reducing risk factors for obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer in the Lower East Side and Chinatown, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Childcare settings and schools: implementing an evidence-based professional development and parenting program to lower rates of obesity and improve mental health
- Primary care: adapting and implementing an evidence-based program to improve health literacy and foster family engagement to lower rates of childhood obesity in the Chinese American community
- Environment: developing and implementing a community navigator program to facilitate access to smoking cessation treatment, build support for smoke-free housing, and reduce children's exposure to secondhand smoke
Hospital Contact
- Name: Sue A. Kaplan, JD
- Phone: 646-501-2635
- Email
New York Methodist Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Colleges/Universities
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Local Coalition
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote evidence-based care
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Promoting NYS Smokers' Quitline
- Case management for high risk patients; lifestyle counseling
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Increasing number of people screened by NYM's Fred L
- Mazzilli Free Lung Cancer Screening Program
Hospital Contact
- Name: Lyn Hill
- Phone: 718.780.3301
- Email
NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System: New York Community Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Social Services
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- A general plan to provide education to discharged patients about tobacco cessation, stroke prevention and hypertension management
- Promoting NYS Smokers' Quitline
- Adopting tobacco-free outdoor policies
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
Hospital Contact
- Name: Stephen M Meyers
- Phone: 718-692-5366
- Email
NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System: New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Philanthropies
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Education, medication compliance, and controlling the disease
- Increasing the number of community partners for education and screening and collaborating with current partners to prevent chronic disease
Hospital Contact
- Name: Camille Paredes
- Phone: 718-670-1248
- Email
NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System: The Allen Hospital, Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, Weschester Division, and Lower Manhattan Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Housing Organizations
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Public/Private Transportation
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Diabetes self-management service/prevention in the clinical setting Learning for life diabetes program
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Linkages with health homes
- Collaborations with networks
Hospital Contact
- Name: Victor A. Carrillo
- Phone: 212-342-0236
- Email
NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System: The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Social Services
- Clinical or communnity based lifestyle change program
- Local Coalition
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Decrease number of amputations in the diabetic population
Hospital Contact
- Name: Karen Jemmott
- Phone: (718) 250-8344
- Email
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System: Lenox Hill Hospital, Forest Hills Hospital, Long Island Jewish Hopital, Steven and Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York, Zucker Hillside Hospital, and Staten Island University Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being in Communities.
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Promote mental, emotional and behavioral (MEB) well-being in communities
- Prevent suicides among youth and adults
- Reduce tobacco use among adults who report poor mental health
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Support collaboration among leaders, professionals and community members working in MEB health promotion, substance abuse and other MEB disorders and chronic disease prevention, treatment and recovery
- Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
- Establish linkages with the OMH Early Recognition and Screening Initiative in the region
- Promote smoking cessation among people with mental health disabilities through partnerships with the NYS Office of Mental Health
- Expand Bully Reduction/Anti Violence Education BRAVE School Based Program, Expand utilization of the UNIFIED: Behavioral Health Center for Military Veterans and their families evidenced based treatment and resources by military personnel veterans
Hospital Contact
- Name: Nancy Copperman
- Phone: 516-881-7027
- Email
Richmond University Medical Center
Community Service Plan (CSP not posted )
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Water Quality.
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Promote Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Well-Being in Communities.
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
- Hospital
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Local Coalition
- Expand the role of health care and health service providers and insurers in obesity prevention
- Reduce violence by targeting prevention programs particularly to highest risk populations
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Increase utilization of preventive health care services among women of reproductive ages
- Reduce premature births in New York State
- Prevent and reduce occurrence of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders among youth and adults
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Provide information on physical activity and nutrition programs, and provide programs to the community
- Support the placement of DOHMH ads promoting healthy eating and active living in the hospital
- Develop multi-sector violence prevention programs (eg, LHDs, criminal justice, social services, job training, CBOs) such as SNUG, Cure Violence or CEASEFIRE in high-risk communities
- Provide structured, comprehensive breastfeeding education and professional lactation counseling and support during pregnancy, in the hospital and at home
- Centering Program for pre-natal patients with group support and empowerment techniques
- Working with the NYS Partnership for Patients to implement NYS Perinatal Quality Collaborative Obstetrical Quality Improvement Project with the goal of reducing Implement maternity care practices consistent with the World Health Organization's Ten Steps t o Successful Breastfeeding and increase the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals in NYS
- Mobilize community for reducing alcohol use
- Staten Island for Partnership for Community Wellness is addressing alcohol use as one of their priorities
- Additional with the relocation of the CPEP and the creation of the MICA Recovery program, there should be additional infrastructure to support needs
Hospital Contact
- Name: Stephen Jennings
- Phone: (315) 786-3710
- Email
Rockefeller University Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Local Health Department
- Public/Private Transportation
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Increase access to information about the importance of physical activity and healthy nutrition choices
- Promoting smoking cessation benefits among Medicaid beneficiaries
- Adopt hospital policies to support use of health, locally grown foods in patient meals
- Adopt healthy meal and beverage standards for meals served in hospital
- Conduct research to support evidence-based approaches to reducing obesity
- Use public service announcements to promote healthy eating and physical activity
Hospital Contact
- Name: Maija Williams
- Phone: 212 327-8501
- Email
St. Barnabas Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Health Insurance Plans
- Business Organizations/Corporations
- Colleges/Universities
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Media Organizations
- Social Services
- CBO-Youth Focused
- Increase screening rates for cardiovascular diseases; diabetes; and breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, especially among populations experiencing health disparities
- Create community environments that promote and support healthy food and beverage choices and physical activity
- Cancer screening outreach
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
Hospital Contact
- Name: Arlene Ortiz Allende
- Phone: 718-960-9746
- Email
St. John's Episcopal Hospital
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent Substance Abuse and other Mental Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Schools
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Social Services
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Prevent underage drinking, non-medical use of prescription pain relievers drugs by youth, and excessive alcohol consumption by adults
- Community outreach symposiums and health education
- Adopt Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) program
Hospital Contact
- Name: Suzanne Timmer
- Phone: 718-869-5041
- Email
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
Community Service Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Promote Healthy Women, Infants and Children: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Maternal and Infant Health
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Healthcare-Associated Infections: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Prevent HIV and STDs
- Hospital
- Schools
- Social Services
- Local Coalition
- Increase the proportion of NYS babies who are breastfed
- Increase utilization of preventive health care services among women of reproductive ages
- Prevention of unintended and adolescent pregnancy
- Reduce premature births in New York State
- Increase early access to and retention in HIV care in New York State Decrease HIV and STD disparities in New York State Prevent HIV and STDs
- Implement policies, community and organizational systems and practices to expedite enrollment of low-income women in Medicaid, including presumptive eligibility for prenatal care and family planning coverage
- Develop and implement local service networks and coordinating strategies to ensure that women with identified risk factors are linked to appropriate community resources
- Expand use of guidelines for clinical management of chronic diseases and other risk factors or events, such as obesity, hypertension and hemorrhage, during pregnancy and delivery Help identify and recruit 'natural helpers' from affected communities who can serve as trained paraprofessionals in health promotion programs, and individuals for professional education/training to serve as health care practitioners in their community
- Implement maternity care practices consistent with the World Health Organization's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and increase the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals in NYS
- Link pregnant or postpartum low-income women to local WIC services for breastfeeding and other nutritional supports Other maternal/infant health intervention-- NYSPFP: Obstetrical Safety Initiative; creating a medical home for women to receive routine c are and ask advice throughout their reproductive life Provide routine preconception and inter-conception health care for women of reproductive age that include screening and follow up for risk factors, management of chronic medical conditions and use of c ontraception to plan pregnancies Support the delivery of comprehensive clinical family
- At the local level, facilitate referral networks to link clients in need of services to available resources
- Utilize health information technology to facilitate more robust intake, enrollment, screening/risk assessment, referral, follow up and coordination practices across health and human service providers Work with paraprofessionals to reinforce health educa tion and health care service utilization and enhance social support to high-risk pregnant women
- Develop STD diagnosis and treatment capacity in settings beyond government clinics
- Positive Health Management (PHM) program provides HIV primary care, Prevention and Compliance via culturally competent services which are provided by bilingual service providers; Via a DOHMH contract, providing STD screening and treatment to high-risk po p
- Consider removing written consent provisions for HIV testing except for persons in the criminal justice system
Hospital Contact
- Name: Cheray Burnett
- Phone: 914-964-4769
- Email