Wyoming County Department of Health and Hospital(s) Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Priority Selection and Partners
Wyoming County Prevention Agenda 2013-2018 Tracking Indicator Dashboard
I. Local County Department of Health - Priorities, Partners, Goals and Interventions
Community Health Improvement Plan
Prevention Agenda Priorities:
Preventing Chronic Diseases: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Access to High-Quality Chronic Disease Preventive Care and Management in Clinical and Community Settings.
- Reduce Obesity in Children and Adults.
- Reduce Illness, Disability and Death Related to Tobacco Use and Secondhand Smoke Exposure.
Promote Mental Health and Prevent Substance Abuse: View the State Action Plan for this priority
- Strengthen Infrastructure across Systems.
- Local Health Department
- Hospital
- Community Health Centers
- Mental/Behavioral Agencies/Organizations
- Prevent childhood obesity through early child-care and schools
- Prevent initiation of tobacco use by New York youth and young adults, especially among low socioeconomic status (SES) populations
- Promote tobacco use cessation, especially among low SES populations and those with poor mental health
- Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
- Promote evidence-based care
- Promote culturally relevant chronic disease self-management education
- Strengthen infrastructure for MEB health promotion and MEB disorder prevention
- Increasing adoption and use of food standards
- Increasing the availability, accessibility and use of evidence-based interventions in self-care management in clinical and community settings
- Adopting tobacco-free outdoor policies
- Promoting NYS Smokers' Quitline
- Improve public awareness of mental health services available by creation of user friendly information portal focused on promoting MEB services
Local Health Department Contact
- Name: Laura Paolucci
- Phone: (585) 786-8890
- Email Address:lpaolucci@wyomingco.net