Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
For Clinicians
CEI Line - 866-637-2342 - provided by the NYSDOH Clinical Education Initiative, New York State medical providers can use this toll-free number to speak with an experienced clinician regarding PrEP, PEP, HIV, HCV and STD management
- Provider Directory
- Find providers in your area who offer services including PrEP or PEP
- PrEP-AP Participating Providers (PDF)
- A list of PrEP providers that meet the criteria of the PrEP-AP program
- If you are a provider and want to be included in the directory, go to:
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Guidelines and Resources
- Dear Colleague Letter: Rapid Action Needed in the Provision of PEP to Emergency Responders (December 2024) (PDF)
- Dear Colleague letter: 2022 PrEP Update (PDF)
- Dear Colleague letter: PEP to Prevent HIV Infection (October 2020) (PDF)
- NYSDOH Clinical Guidelines: PEP To Prevent HIV Infection (June 2020)
- Updates to the NYSDOH PEP Guidelines, CEI Webinar (July 2020)
- Employer Responsibilities in PEP Management to Prevent HIV Infection Following an Occupational Exposure (June 2020)
- Dear CEO Letter: Sexual Assault Law effective 6/15/2020, Including Updated HIV PEP Guidance (June 9, 2020)
- Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Assault Law effective 6/15/2020, Including Updated HIV PEP Guidance (June 9, 2020)
- Occupational Exposure and HIV Testing: Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions (October 2021) (PDF)
- Dental Settings - Occupational Exposure for Oral Healthcare Workers; Resources Supporting Policy and Procedures pertaining to a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure for Dental Settings (October 2021) (PDF)
- Information for the Exposed Health Care Worker (October 2021) (PDF)
- Information about Bloodborne Pathogen Testing for the Source Patient (PDF)
- Recommended ICD 10-CM Codes - PrEP and PEP (PDF)
Addressing the Cost
- Antiretroviral Medications for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and HIV Treatment for New York State Medicaid Members (July 2023)
- Payment Options for Adolescents and Adults following Sexual Assault (October 2021) (PDF)
- Payment Options for Adolescents and Adults for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for All Other Non-Occupational Exposures (October 2021) (PDF)