Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials and Research

Clinical trials are the key to medical progress. Through clinical trials, researchers test new ways to detect, treat and prevent Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Without clinical trials, there can be no new treatments or cures.

Ground-breaking research is going on that could have a measurable impact on the lives of current and future Alzheimer's patients. But a lack of volunteers for Alzheimer's disease clinical trials is significantly slowing down this research and the development of new Alzheimer's disease treatments. Recruiting and retaining trial participants is now the greatest obstacle, other than funding, to developing the next generation of Alzheimer's disease treatments. For more information about Alzheimer´s disease and related clinical trials, please visit the following web sites.

For more information about research and various types of trials that are available, please explore the links below:

Guide for Potential Participants of Clinical Trials and Research:

Us Against Alzheimer's Toolkit

This Resource guide - Curing Alzheimer's; Clinical Trials Are Key - outlines the benefits and importance of participating in clinical trials, ways to locate trail opportunities and what participants should expect when engaging in clinical trial. Several personal stories further support information about participation.

In English

In Spanish

Online Surveys

Brain Health Registry
This registry is dedicated to the discovery of treatments for Alzheimer's and other brain disorders. Health data and testing results are gathered from persons diagnosed with neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, care partners and other interested individuals.

Take a 10-minute online test to help researchers see how genetic differences could affect brain-related diseases. This is open to all interested individuals.

Us Against Alzheimer's – A-List
This is an online community for people with or at risk for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, as well as family and other interested individuals. Surveys are conducted on patient and caregiver preferences, patient-doctor relationships, clinical trials, caregiver health, and technology.

All of Us Research Program
Participation is open to all individuals over the age of 18 who are interested in supporting research. Health data is gathered to inform “precision medicine” and patient-centered approaches to health care. Researchers will explore factors like environment, lifestyle, and genetics.

Registries Alzheimer's Prevention Registry (APR)
When joining the Alzheimer's Prevention Registry, you will receive information about opportunities to take part in research studies, plus Alzheimer's news and research updates. (ages 50+).

CARE Registry
Online registry for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who are interested in participating in research related to Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, aging, caregiving, and other health topics across the lifespan.

Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU)
Help advance the understanding and treatment of Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Disease by joining the DIAN clinical trial registry (must be 18+ and have at least 2 generations of family members who have experienced symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's disease before the age of 60).

Tissue and Brain Donation

National Alzheimer's Association
The Association offers guidance about brain and tissue donation and linkages to a variety of resources.

Brain Donor Project
Pre-register to become a brain and tissue donor through this initiative.

NIH NeuroBioBank
The NeuroBioBank brain and tissue repositories distribute thousands of samples per year to the research community studying neurological, developmental, and psychiatric disorders.

Brain Donation: A Gift for Future Generations
Learn about why people donate their brains, the process of brain donation, and how you can enroll to make this generous gift.

Gene Studies GeneMatch
This program through the Alzheimer's Prevention Registry (APR) uses genetic testing (through free cheek swab kits) to match volunteers with research opportunities (age 18+).