Guidance & Resources for Food Service Operators
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The New York State Department of Health has developed guidance for food service operators on various topics, including safe food handling, preparation and storage.
Permits or Foodborne Illness Complaints
Contact your local health department to apply for a food service establishment permit or to report a foodborne illness complaint.
Food Handling, Preparation and Storage
- Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) Plan Guidance
- Food Defense Strategies - A Self-Assessment Guide for Food Service Operators
- Restaurant Food Security: Preventive Measures for Food Service Operators
- How to Prevent Food Tampering
- Hand Washing & Glove Use for Food Workers (Questions and Answers)
- Use of Hands in Preparation of Ready-to-Eat Foods
- Employee Hand Washing Sticker also available in Spanish, Chinese (PDF)
- Cooling and Reheating of Potentially Hazardous Foods
- Safe Storage and Preparation of Eggs & Foods Made With Eggs
Emergencies and Natural Disasters
Foodborne Illness Outbreak Prevention
Infographics were developed using NYS Foodborne Disease Outbreak 2003-2017 Data from local health departments to inform and educate food service establishments about preventing foodborne illnesses and understanding how contributing factors are identified and how outbreaks are investigated.
Other Resources
- All food service establishments must post a Food Allergen/Intolerance Notice for staff, according to SECTION 1356 of Public Health Law.
- This statement: "If you have a food allergy or intolerance, please notify us." OR
- A statement that provides customers with ingredient information for each prepared food item offered on the menu, or that notifies them that ingredient information is available, such as “Ingredient information for menu items is available. Ask an employee for details.”
- Online menus must provide a method for customers to inform the establishment of any food allergies or intolerances.
- Dogs Allowed in Outdoor Dining Areas Sign (PDF) - Section 1352-e of Public Health Law requires restaurant operators to comply with certain restrictions if they allow dogs in their outdoor dining areas.
- Latex Allergy
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Equipment Required in Restaurants, Bars, Theaters and Health Clubs
- Availability of CPR Equipment - Public Notice Sign (PDF)
- First Aid for Choking Poster (English, Spanish, Chinese)
- Learn about NYS Department of Environmental Conservation requirements impacting food service operators:
All menus, including those offered online, must include one of the following statements in the same language as the menu: