Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs, Partners, and Advisory Council
Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs
Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program
The Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program (CLPPP) is the largest in the country. CLPPP works to make homes safe. It funds local health departments to gain access to high-risk housing to educate, inspect and control lead hazards. It looks for properties with lead paint hazards, then it takes action to make them lead safe – protecting children from lead poisoning.
Adult Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program
The Adult Lead Primary Prevention Program identifies potential sources of lead exposure in adults. It also lends advice on appropriate control measures to limit future exposures to adults and their families. When the exposure is work-related, the NYS DOH gathers information on the employer and work duties -- including job location and protective measures in place. They then suggest the best methods to improve work environments. Their goal is to reduce exposures and keep workers healthy and their workplaces safe. If NYS DOH staff identify an elevated blood lead level in a pregnant woman, they work closely with the county health department and CLPPP to ensure the newborn is tested for lead at birth.
Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs in Local Health Departments
All local health departments are required to address lead poisoning prevention and follow –up on cases of elevated blood lead levels. NYS DOH supports the lead poisoning prevention activities of local health departments. NYS DOH provides funding, materials and other support to all counties and New York City. These local programs:
- Find and reduce sources of lead before they can harm children;
- Teach the public, health care providers, and others about lead;
- Promote lead testing for children;
- Make sure children learn about the dangers of lead, get tested for lead poisoning, and receive treatment. They also help families find sources of lead in their homes.
Drinking Water Lead Service Line Replacement Program
New York State’s Clean Water Infrastructure Act of 2017 (Act) amended Public Health Law to require NYS DOH to implement a Lead Service Line Replacement Program (LSLRP). This program addresses drinking water service lines/pipes that contain lead and can corrode, causing lead to enter drinking water. LSLRP funds are used to replace the entire length of residential lead service lines, from the municipal water main to the residence, to reduce the amount of lead in drinking water. LSLRP-awarded municipalities work with homeowners to confirm the presence of a lead service line and the need to have it replaced. Municipalities coordinate the replacement of the lead service line and submit project related vouchers/invoices to the State for reimbursement.
Drinking Water Lead Testing in New York State Schools
New York State Law and regulations require all public school districts and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services to test all drinking water outlets for lead contamination, and to take responsive actions. If any fixture exceeds the lead action level, it must be immediately taken out of service until actions are taken to mitigate the lead levels. Schools must notify staff, parents, and guardians of students in writing when outlets exceed the action level indicating contamination and maintain test results on their websites.
Healthy Neighborhoods Program
The New York State Healthy Neighborhoods Program (HNP) seeks to reduce the burden of housing related illness and injury through a holistic, healthy homes approach. The program provides in-home assessments and interventions for asthma, tobacco cessation, indoor air quality, lead, fire safety, and other environmental health hazards in selected communities throughout New York. The HNP uses a combination of door-to-door canvassing and referrals to reach residents in high-risk areas.
Lead Poisoning Prevention Partners
Regional Lead Resource Centers
The NYS DOH supports three Regional Lead Resource Centers that provide medical expertise and guidance to health care providers managing treatment of children and adults with high blood lead levels.
Occupational Health Clinic Network
New York State's Occupational Health Clinic Network provides medical and support services for workers exposed to workplace hazards, including lead.
Children’s Environmental Health Centers
New York State's Children’s Environmental Health Centers (NYSCEHC) provides services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of environmentally-related health effects during pregnancy and throughout childhood. NYSCEHC services include: clinical consultations and environmental health screenings; capacity building through education, training and consultations for health professionals and community members; and promotion of programs and policies, together with community partners, that protect children’s health. NYSCEHC is a resource for all children, parents, health care providers, daycares, schools, and communities in New York State.
The Advisory Council on Lead Poisoning Prevention
The Advisory Council on Lead Poisoning Prevention was established by New York State Public Health Law, Title 10 of Article 13, to provide guidance to NYS DOH concerning the development and implementation of plans, policies and services for the prevention and elimination of childhood lead poisoning, including the identification and management of children with lead poisoning, and strategies to detect and reduce lead hazards in the environment. The Council is chaired by the NYS DOH.