EPIC Billing Frequently Asked Questions

Members may find answers to common questions below:

Where is my bill?

  • EPIC billing notices are mailed as follows:
    • First quarter bills are mailed in the beginning of December
    • Second quarter bills are mailed in the beginning of March
    • Third quarter bills are mailed in the beginning of June
    • Fourth quarter bills are mailed in the beginning of September
  • To request a duplicate billing notice you may send an email to nysdohepic@primetherapeutics.com or call the EPIC helpline at 1-800-332-3742.

When are the quarterly bills due?

  • First quarter bills are due December 31st for coverage from January through March.
  • Second quarter bills are due March 31st for coverage from April through June.
  • Third quarter bills are due July 1st for coverage from July through September.
  • Fourth quarter bills are due October 1st for coverage from October through December.

What is the amount due?

The total amount due is the quarterly bill amount or you have an option to pay for the remainder of the year.

Why did my bill increase?

EPIC uses your prior year's income to determine eligibility benefits. If you feel there is a discrepancy with your EPIC premium or plan type please email nysdohepic@primetherapeutics.com and a representative will contact you. You will need to have your previous years income information available or call the EPIC helpline at 1-800-332-3742.

Why did I receive a final notice?

If you have already mailed your payment, please disregard the final notice.

Where do I mail my payment?

Make your check, money order or bank check payable to NYS EPIC Program and mail to:

State of NY Health Department
PO Box 789865
Philadelphia, PA 19178-9865