NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey FAQs

  • FAQs also available in Portable Document Foramt (PDF)
Q: What is the NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey?

A: It’s a survey used by many states to help understand the experiences of older adults and people with physical disabilities who receive home and community-based services (HCBS).

Q: Are survey responses confidential?

A: Yes, your answers will not be shared. All survey data will be grouped for state and national reports; therefore no one will be able to identify the responses of a single respondent.

Q: How long does it take to complete the survey?

A: On average, the survey takes 30-45 minutes to complete.

Q: What kind of questions will I be asked?

A: You will be asked about your health, your safety, the services and supports you use, as well as where you live and the things you do in the community.

Q: Do I have to complete the survey? Will I be paid for my time?

A: No, participation in the survey is voluntary and unpaid. You may refuse to answer a question or stop the survey at any time. Your answers will not impact the Medicaid benefits you receive.

Q: Can I complete the survey at my home?

A: Yes, you may complete the survey from your home in the format that is most comfortable to you: over the phone, virtually, or in-person.

Q: I received an invitation to complete a survey. How do I schedule the survey?

A: Please call New York State Department of Health’s survey vendor, Knowledge Services, toll free at 866- 228-5859.

Q: If I have additional questions about the NCI-AD Adult Consumer Survey, whom do I contact?

A: You may call Knowledge Services, toll free at 866-228-5859, or email the New York State Department of Health at: