Community Mental Health Assessment Billing Procedures
Federal Adult Behavioral Health HCBS Plan of Care (POC) Documentation Requirements
- Checklist is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
Adult BH HCBS POC documentation requirements (If HCBS POC template not used these items should be incorporated into HCBS POC per federal rules and regulations). The person–centered service plan must reflect the services and supports that are important for the individual to meet the needs identified through an assessment of functional need, as well as what is important to the individual with regard to preferences for the delivery of such services and supports. Commensurate with the level of need of the individual, and the scope of services and supports available under the State´s HCBS waiver, the written plan must: | Y/N |
Reflect that the setting in which the individual resides is chosen by the individual. Example (I want to Live at: __________ If I want to move, the following actions steps were identified: __________ ) | |
Reflect the individual´s strengths and preferences | |
Reflect clinical and support needs as identified through an assessment of functional need | |
Include individually identified goals and desired outcomes | |
Reflect the services and supports (paid and unpaid) that will assist the individual to achieve identified goals, and the providers of those services and supports, including natural supports. Natural supports are unpaid supports that are provided voluntarily to the individual in lieu of HCBS waiver services and supports | |
***Reflect risk factors and measures in place to minimize them, including individualized back–up plans and strategies when needed | |
Be understandable to the individual receiving services and supports, and the individuals important in supporting him or her. At a minimum, for the written plan to be understandable, it must be written in plain language and in a manner that is accessible to individuals with disabilities and persons who are limited English proficient | |
Identify and list the individual(s) and/or entity(ies) responsible for monitoring the plan of care | |
Be finalized and agreed to, with the informed consent of the individual in writing, and signed by all individuals and HCBS providers responsible for its implementation | |
Be distributed to the individual and other people involved in the plan | |
Include those services, the purpose or control of which the individual elects to self–direct (the State currently does not have approval by CMS to have Medicaid participants´ self–direct expenditures for HCBS. It is expected that this will be approved at some point in the future. At that time we would have this requirement in the HCBS POC) | |
Prevent the provision of unnecessary or inappropriate services and supports (we expect this to be done through the MCO utilization management process) | |
***Documentation of modifications based on risk assessment as identified above (item 6) | |
A. Identify specific and individualized assessed need | |
B. Document the positive supports/interventions previously used that were unsuccessful to address the need | |
C. Document less intrusive methods that have been previously used that were unsuccessful | |
D. Clear description of the condition that is connected to the specific need or risk | |
E. Collect ongoing data to monitor effectiveness of new modification | |
F. Include established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the modification is still necessary or can be terminated | |
G. Include informed consent of the individual | |
H. Include an assurance that interventions and supports will cause no harm to the individual |
October 23, 2015
|top of page|Federal Adult Behavioral Health HCBS Person–centered Planning Process
- Checklist is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
The individual will lead the person–centered planning process where possible. The individual's representative should have a participatory role, as needed and as defined by the individual, unless State law confers decision making authority to the legal representative. All references to individuals include the role of the individual's representative. In addition to being led by the individual receiving services and supports, the person centered planning process: | Y/N |
Includes people chosen by the individual | |
Provides necessary information and support to ensure that the individual directs the process to the maximum extent possible, and is enabled to make informed choices and decisions | |
Is timely and occurs at times and locations of convenience to the individual. | |
Reflects cultural considerations of the individual and is conducted by providing information in plain language and in a manner that is accessible to individuals with disabilities and persons who are limited English proficient, consistent with §435.905(b) of this chapter. | |
Includes strategies for solving conflict or disagreement within the process, including clear conflict ‑ of ‑ interest guidelines for all planning participants. | |
Providers of Home ‑ and Community ‑ Based Settings (HCBS) for the individual, or those who have an interest in or are employed by a provider of HCBS for the individual must not provide case management or develop the person ‑ centered service plan, except when the State demonstrates that the only willing and qualified entity to provide case management and/or develop person ‑ centered service plans in a geographic area also provides HCBS. In these cases, the State must devise conflict of interest protections including separation of entity and provider functions within provider entities, which must be approved by CMS. Individuals must be provided with a clear and accessible alternative dispute resolution process. | |
Offers informed choices to the individual regarding the services and supports they receive and from whom. | |
Includes a method for the individual to request updates to the plan as needed. | |
Records the alternative HCBS settings that were considered by the individual (e.g., if the individual agrees to receiving psychosocial rehab, the POC must document that the individual was offered different settings to receive that service) |
October 23, 2015
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