Appropriateness Criteria Codes HHSA and HHSC

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Appropriateness Codes and Criteria

February 2025

This chart lists the codes and criteria used for initial eligibility (Adults and Children) and annual appropriateness (Children). Please refer to the HH0016 Eligibility Requirements for Health Home Services and Continued Eligibility in the Health Home Program policy for requirements that outline the steps to be taken to ensure individuals meet criteria for Health Home enrollment and continued enrollment. Documentation supporting the Initial Appropriateness (for all members) and annual criterion (for Health Homes Serving Children members) which has been selected is to be retained in the case record.

This chart was revised February 14, 2025, and effective for implementation April 1, 2025.

Appropriateness Criteria Program Comments
10 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current H-code in EMEDNY (HARP Eligible/Enrolled) (ADULTS) Current K1-code in EMEDNY (Children's Waiver Enrolled) (CHILDREN) Both N
11 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current POP flag in PSYCKES Adults N
12 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Current Quality or HH+ flag in PSYCKES or equivalent from RHIO or MCO Adults N
13 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member currently involved with mandated preventive services and/or direct referral within the last six (6) months from Child Protective Services/Preventive Services Program, County Local Departments of Social Services, Administration for Children's Services (for New York City), Special Education Program, Schools (e.g., children suspension, truancy, grade failure/repeat grade or summer school). Must specify provider of service and date of referral Children Y
14 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recent inpatient/Emergency Department/psychiatric hospital/Detox/Skilled Nursing/Crisis Stabilization within the last 6 months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Children Y
15 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recent out of home placement (foster care, relative, Residential Treatment Facility (RTF), Residential Treatment Center (RTC), Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP), Community Residence, Residential Crisis, etc.) within the last 6 months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Children Y
16 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member recently diagnosed with a terminal illness/condition within the last 6 months. Must specify condition, and date diagnosed Children Y
17 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Member received an initial Disability Determination (SSI or DOH Disability Certificate/letter) within the last 6 months Children N
18 ADVERSE EVENTS RISK: Released from Jail/Prison/Juvenile detention, involved with Probation, PINS, Family Court within the last 6 months. Must specify name program and date of release/court/probation Children Y
19 HEALTHCARE RISK: During the last 3 months, the member has been unable to schedule and keep their healthcare appointments (medical, psychiatric, etc.). Must describe the issue Children Y
20 HEALTHCARE RISK: Member does not have at least one (1) of the following: Primary Care Provider, mental health provider, substance use provider, or provider to treat their Single Qualifying Condition (Complex Trauma, Sickle Cell Disease, Serious Emotional Disturbance/Serious Mental Illness, or HIV) or physical disability related to a neurologic, muscular, or neuromuscular condition Both N
21 HEALTHCARE RISK: Member has not seen their provider (e.g., PCP, BH) in the last year Both N
22 READMISSION/RECIDIVISM RISK: Released from inpatient Medical, Emergency Department, Crisis Stabilization, Residential Treatment Setting, Psych, or Detox within the last three (3) months. Must specify name of institution and date of release Adults Y
23 READMISSION/RECIDIVISM RISK: Released from Jail/Prison or other justice program within the last three (3) months. Must specify name program and date of release Adults Y
24 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Current Intimate Partner Violence/Current Family Violence in the home of the member Both N
25 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member is experiencing food insecurity (due to financial limitations, ability to shop, access food site, dietary restrictions, etc.) and needs one of the following:
  • Emergency Food Assistance: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Food Pantries, and Meals on Wheels
  • Women Infants and Children (WIC) for children under age 6 and pregnant/postpartum individuals
Both N
26 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Currently homeless (HUD 1, 2, or 4) & for Transitional Age Youth, has no stable living arrangement (living with different friends/family) Both N
27 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member has had a change in guardianship/caregiver within the last six (6) months Children N
28 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member has had a change in guardianship/caregiver within the last three (3) months Adult N
29 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member is concurrently Health Home appropriate due to caregiver/guardian enrolled in Health Home. Must specify the Health Home/Care Management Agency enrolled with Children Y
30 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Member (or caregiver, if Member is a child) needs, is eligible for, and does not have one (1) of the following needed entitlements:
  • Medicaid Transportation/Access-a-Ride
  • Housing Supports (Section 8, Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI), New York Health Equity Reform (NYHER) Housing Supports)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),/LI.
  • Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
  • Medical Entitlements (Medicare/Medicaid support)
  • Child Care Supports (for caregiver of enrolled children only)
  • Early Intervention (Head Start or Special Education)
NOTE: Members who have access to a needed benefit due to current enrollment in a plan, program, or waiver do not meet this criterion. For example, members who are enrolled in a Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC) Plan have access to Access-a-Ride through their MLTC benefit package and therefore do not meet the threshold for Health Home Appropriateness if their only need is Access-a-Ride
Both N
31 SOCIAL DETERMINANTS RISK: Recent and ongoing institutionalization or nursing home placement of member's primary support person within the last three (3) months and there is no other person to provide the same level of support Adults N
32 TREATMENT NON-ADHERENCE RISK: Member/care team member report of non-adherence with a clinician's written treatment plan or prescription within the last three (3) months…Must specify the clinician(s) and medication(s) and/or treatment(s) involved Both Y
33 TREATMENT NON-ADHERENCE RISK: PSYCKES flag related to non-adherence or equivalent from RHIO or MCO Both N
34 Direct referral from Managed Care Organization (MCO), Local Government Units (LGU), Single Point of Access (SPOA), or county Local Department of Social Services Both N
35 Direct referral from Adult Protective Services Adults N
36 There is no criterion currently assigned to this code N/A N/A