Prevention Agenda 2013-2018: Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Healthcare-Associated Infections Action Plan
Prevent HIV/STDs, Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Healthcare-Associated Infections Action Plan - Complete printable version (PDF, 1.1MB, 38pp.)
Evidence-based programs, policies and practices
- Recommended evidence-based programs, policies and practices have been identified for the following action plan and organized by focus area and goal. For each recommended program, policy or practice, a brief description is given along with links to assist with implementation. Journal articles can be accessed from the New York State Library or Dickerman Library.
Evidence Based Interventions and Measures to Assess Progress, Updated 2015 (PDF)
- The DOH has updated the Prevention Agenda's recommended set of evidence based programs, policies and practices to help local communities address local priorities. These recommendations are based on a review of the scientific literature, consultation with subject matter experts within the Department and external partners and the actual experience of local partnerships as reported on the Update Survey completed in December 2014. The goal of this revision is to provide local communities with a set of interventions that offer local communities the best prospects of making meaningful progress in addressing chosen priorities. For each recommended intervention, the charts include short-term process measures to assess progress, as well as resources describing evidence-informed policies, programs and systems changes that will improve the variety of factors known to affect health.
Action Plan
- Focus Area 1: Prevent HIV and STDs
- Goals and Objectives
- Goal #1: Decrease HIV morbidity in New York State
- Goal #2: Increase early access to and retention in HIV care in New York State
- Goal #3: Decrease STD morbidity in New York State
- Goal #4: Decrease HIV and STD disparities in New York State
- Goal #5: Increase and coordinate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) prevention and treatment capacity In New York State
- Interventions by Sector
- Focus Area 2: Prevent Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
- Goals and Objectives
- Goal #1: Improve Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Rates
- Goal #2: Educate all parents about the importance of Immunizations
- Goal #3: Decrease the burden of pertussis disease
- Goal #4: Decrease the Burden of Influenza Disease
- Goal #5: Decrease the burden of disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Goal #6: Increase adult immunizations
- Interventions by Sector
- Focus Area 3: Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Goals and Objectives
- Goals and Objectives
- Goal #1: Reduce C. difficile infections
- Goal #2: Reduce multidrug-resistant organisms infection
- Goal #3: Reduce device-associated infections
- Interventions by Sector
- References and Links
Data and Resources
- Indicators For Tracking Public Health Priority Areas - County and state rates compared to 2018 objectives.
- Health Indicator Reports - tables that contains data for all 62 New York State counties, 8 regions, New York City, Rest of State and New York State.
- County Health Indicators by Race/Ethnicity - Minority Health Data and Statistics
Note: The Prevention Agenda 2013-2017 has been extended to 2018 to align its timeline with other state and federal health care reform initiatives.