New York State Hepatitis C Elimination
In November 2021, New York State reaffirmed its commitment to addressing hepatitis C with the release of the New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Plan. The Plan outlines recommendations in five key areas that will lead the state to eliminate hepatitis C as a public health problem by 2030, including: 1) Prevention; 2) Care and Treatment Access; 3) Testing and Linkage to Care; 4) Surveillance, Data and Metrics; and 5) Social Determinants.
2024 Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report
On May 15, 2024, New York State hosted the second Annual Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report virtual meeting to share progress toward reaching its elimination goals.
- 2024 Annual New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report Program Agenda and Speakers (PDF)
- 2024 Annual New York State Hepatitis Elimination Progress Report Meeting plenary sessions (Recording)
- Keynote: A National Initiative to Eliminate Hepatitis C in the United States (Slides)
- New York State Elimination Metrics Update (Slides)
- Updates on New York State Programs and Significant Accomplishments (Slides)
- New York City Elimination Metrics Update (Slides)
- Updates on New York City Programs and Significant Accomplishments (Slides)
- Breakout 1: Opioid treatment programs, an opporunity to increase access to hepatitis C services (Recording, Slides)
- Breakout 2: Promising practices for hepatitis C screening and linkage to care in correctional settings (Recording, Slides)
- Breakout 3: Innovative strategies to identify and link people with hepatitis C to care and treatment (Recording, Slides)
- Closing Remarks - Shashi Kapadia, MD, Weill Cornell Medicine (Slides)
- New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Plan Progress Report Infographic, 2022 (PDF)
2023 Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report
On May 10, 2023, New York State hosted the first Annual Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report meeting to share progress toward reaching New York State's elimination goals, metrics and share programmatic, policy and other significant accomplishments.
- Watch the Annual New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report Meeting recording
- Annual New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Progress Report Program (PDF)
- Slides from the Progress Report meeting
NYS HCV Elimination Metrics
New York State Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force
In March 2018, New York State announced its commitment to eliminating hepatitis C as a public health problem in New York State (NYS). The announcement was followed by the allocation of $5 million to implement new programs and activities that will lead the State towards elimination. In July 2018, NYS announced a strategy for hepatitis C elimination, including the establishment of a Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force.
The NYS Hepatitis C Elimination Task Force was charged with providing input to the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) on the hepatitis C elimination plan. Task Force and workgroup members included representatives from community-based organizations, people living with and affected by hepatitis C, health care providers, payers, public health experts, researchers, harm reduction specialists and social service providers. The Task Force structure consisted of community and governmental co-chairs and five workgroup committees.
1) Hepatitis C Prevention; 2) Hepatitis C Care and Treatment Access; 3) Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care; 4) Surveillance, Data and Metrics; and 5) Social Determinants.
The Task Force held two meetings on November, 2018 and June 2019 in Albany, NY.
Task Force Members
- Member List (PDF)
- Member Bios (PDF)
- Ex Officio Members (PDF)
Workgroup Committees
- Hepatitis C Prevention
- Member List (PDF)
- Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care
- Member List (PDF)
- Hepatitis C Care and Treatment Access
- Member List (PDF)
- Social Determinants
- Member List (PDF)
- Surveillance, Data and Metrics
- Member List (PDF)
Hepatitis C Elimination Resources
- Report: Addressing Barriers to Hepatitis C Treatment Access Among People Who Inject Drugs in New York State (PDF)
- NYC Plan to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis by 2030
- New York State Department of Health - Hepatitis C Information
- National Viral Hepatitis Action Plan 2017-2020
- National Strategy for the Elimination of Hepatitis B and C
- CDC: Progress Toward Viral Hepatitis Elimination in the United States, 2017