Cepheid Xpert HCV Point of Care Test

On June 27, 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted marketing authorization to the first point-of-care (POC) fingerstick hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA test. The availability of a point of care hepatitis C virus RNA test is a significant advancement towards being able to effectively test and treat the estimated 2.4 million (and potentially as many as 4 million) people with hepatitis C in the United States. This new test unlocks the ability to integrate testing and treatment in high-impact settings, which is critical for reaching national hepatitis C elimination goals.

The availability of a point of care hepatitis C virus RNA test, which can provide a qualitative result in in 60 minutes (and as little as 41 minutes), opens the door to a hepatitis C test-and-treat approach. Single encounter testing and treatment has been shown to significantly decrease the time from diagnosis to treatment initiation and the overall number of people initiating treatment for hepatitis C. However, a remaining barrier to single encounter testing and treatment for hepatitis C is the lack of a point of care hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) test to rule out hepatitis B virus coinfection.

Cepheid Xpert® HCV Resources

HCV RNA Point of Care Reporting Requirements: New York State Department of Health Electronic Clinical Laboratory Reporting System (ECLRS)

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