Value Based Payment (VBP) Resource Library
Approved Social Care Need (SCN) Interventions
Effective January 1 2018, all new and existing VBP Level 2 and 3 arrangements must include at least one SCN intervention and at least one contract with a Community Based Organization (CBO). This requirement applies to Managed Care Organizations (MCO), Managed Long Term Care (MLTC), and PACE plans with a Level 2 or 3 VBP arrangement. Health plans and VBP contractors have the flexibility to decide on the type of intervention that they implement. The guideline recommends the SCN selection be based on information including but not limited to, SCN screening of individual members, member health goals, the impact of SCN on their health outcomes, as well as an assessment of community needs and resources.
- This document is the SCN interventions that have been approved by the Department of Health. - 10.30.2023
SCN and CBO Webinars
- MLTC Webinar: SDH/CBO Requirements and SDH Intervention Examples - 3.8.2018 (PDF)
- VBP Lessons Learned: SDH Contracting - 10.30.2018 (PDF)
- VBP Bootcamp Presentation Slides - 10.10.2018 (PDF)
- SDH and VBP for MCOs and MLTC Webinar Slides - 8.3.2018
- VBP and CBOs Webinar Recording - 7.11.2018 (
- VBP and CBOs Webinar Slides - 7.11.2018 (PDF)
- SDH and CBOs Webinar Recording - 8.25.2017 (MP4 Video begins around 8:30) - (
- SDH and CBO Webinar Slides - 8.25.2017 (PDF)
- SDH Video 1 - Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPlus (NYC) (MP4) - (
- SDH Video 2 - God´s Love We Deliver (MP4) - (]
- VBP Bootcamp Presentation Slides on SDH and CBOs
VBP Subcommittee Documents
- VBP Subcommittee Recommendation Report (Appendix C) (PDF)
- SDH Intervention Menu (XLSX)
SCN and CBO Contracting Documents for
Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and Providers
- SCN Intervention and CBO Contracting Template (DOCX)
- Provider Contract Statement and Certification (Form 4255) (PDF)
- VBP - SCN Intervention Status Report Template (DOCX)
Community Based Organizations (CBO)
Updated CBO Directory and Engagement Survey - The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has released a new statewide CBO directory and engagement survey. The survey has been simplified based on feedback from stakeholders and designed to capture information about CBO service provision for the purpose of making connections with MCOs and VBP contractors. This survey is replacing last year´s CBO Survey and is open to all non-profit, CBOs. Information gathered through this new survey will be used to generate a new CBO directory.
- CBO Directory - 9.28.2020 (XLSX)
- CBO Survey - This survey will create a directory of CBOs.
[Preview Survey (PDF)]
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