Hepatitis C Educational Materials
Fact Sheets
- CDC General Fact Sheet (PDF)
- Spanish (PDF)
- NYS Hepatitis C Facts (1919)
- Spanish (1920)
- Hepatitis C Testing (1921)
- Spanish (1922)
- Hepatitis C Treatment (1923)
- Spanish (1924)
- Blood-to-Blood Hepatitis C: Drug Use - Tattoos - Body Piercing (1803)
- Hepatitis C Cure Day
Hepatitis C and Pregnancy
- Hepatitis C and Pregnancy (16039)
- Spanish (16040)
- Ask To Be Tested for Hepatitis C During Each Pregnancy (16112)
- Spanish (16113)
- Get Tested, Treated and Cured Before Becoming Pregnant (16114)
- Spanish (16115)
- Pregnant living with HCV (1838)
- Spanish (1839)
- Help Eliminate Hep C: Thinking of Having a Baby?
- Are You Screening for Hepatitis C at Each Pregnancy? (Provider Postcard, 16135)
- Protect Yourself. Protect Your Baby. (Consumer Postcard, 16140)
- Spanish (16142)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21420)
- Spanish (21426)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21421)
- Spanish (21427)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21422)
- Spanish (21428)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21423)
- Spanish (21429)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21424)
- Spanish (21430)
- Protect Your Baby and Yourself (Poster, 21425)
- Spanish (21431)
- Caring for Your Baby with Hepatitis C - What You Need to Know (21432)
- Spanish (21433)
Other Materials
- Hepatitis Screening Bookmark: Should You Be Tested for Hepatitis C? (1810)
- Hepatitis C scratcher cards for teens: Hep C: Know the Facts (1853-1856)
- Hepatitis C - Get Tested. Get Treated. Get Cured.(1885)
- Hepatitis C infographic on body art and tattooing (PDF)
- Hepatitis Counseling Pad - Positive (1812)
- Hepatitis Counseling Pad - Negative (1814)
- Ever Inject Drugs and Thinking of Becoming Pregnant? (1840)
- Spanish (1841)
- Most people who have hepatitis C got infected by injecting drugs (9403)
- Spanish (9404)
- Use a Brand New Needle Every Time You Inject Drugs (9506)
- Spanish (9507)
- Always Use New Works (16020)
- Spanish - Postcards (16021)
- Always Use New Works - Palm Card (16024)
- Spanish (16025)
- Now that your hepatitis C is cured, What's Next? - Postcards (16026)
- You Got This! Hepatitis C Treatment Journal (16038)
- Spanish (16056)
- HIV and Hepatitis C Coinfection (1846)
- Hepatitis C in Prison and Jail (16022)
- Spanish (16023)
Universal Hepatitis C Testing
- Universal Screening - Hepatitis C Testing is for Everyone (PDF, Poster, 16156)
- Universal Screening - Hepatitis C Testing is for Everyone (PDF, Palm Card, 16154)
- Baby Boomer - Gen X - Millennials - Gen Z, Hepatitis C Testing is for Everyone (PDF, Poster, 16155)
- Baby Boomer - Gen X - Millennials - Gen Z, Hepatitis C Testing is for Everyone (PDF, Palm Card, 16153)
NY Cures Hep C Campaign Materials
- NY Cures Hep C Campaign Materials
- Help Eliminate Hep C: Don't be Fooled by Old Information
- Help Eliminate Hep C: Every Hep C Cure is a Celebration
- Help Eliminate Hep C: Get Tested, Get Treated, Get Cured
- Help Eliminate Hep C: If you Inject Drugs, you are at Highest Risk for Hep C
- Help Eliminate Hep C: It Doesn't Matter How You Got Hep C. Don't Wait
- Help Eliminate Hep C: Stop the Spread of Hep C