Child Care Programs, Schools and Post-Secondary Institutions
School Vaccination Fraud Awareness
The New York State Department of Health protects and promotes health and well-being for all, including keeping children safe from vaccine-preventable diseases. Schools are on the frontlines in the defense against vaccine preventable diseases and have the responsibility to reject records they believe to be fraudulent based on their knowledge and assessment of the facts. Vaccine fraud is serious, and suspected fraud will be thoroughly investigated.
- Learn more: School Vaccination Fraud Awareness
- NYS School Immunization Requirements
- Child Care Programs and Pre-Kindergarten
- Schools (K-12)
- Post-Secondary Institutions
- Health Commerce System (HCS) Access and Immunization Survey Instructions
- Additional Resources
- Contact Information
NYS School Immunization Requirements
- Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance for the 2024-25 school year (PDF)
- School Immunization Requirements 2024-2025 Webinar (MP4)
- School Immunization Requirements Handbook (replaces the School Survey Q&A Booklet) – Requires HCS log-in to access
- School Administrator Letter re: School Immunization Requirements (December 2022) (PDF)
Child Care Programs and Pre-Kindergarten
- Child Care and Pre-Kindergarten Survey
- 2024-25 Daycare Survey Instructions (PDF) This survey is now open and is due by 3/31/2025
- It is required by Public Health Law § 2164 to complete this Survey
- 2024-25 Immunization Worksheet for Day Care and Pre-K (PDF)
Schools (K-12)
- School Survey
- 2024-25 School Immunization Survey Instructions (PDF)
- It is required by Public Health Law § 2164 to complete this Survey
- 2024-25 Immunization Worksheet for Grades K-12 (PDF)
- Medical Exemptions
- Medical Exemption Review Procedures for Schools Outside New York City (PDF)
- Guidance on Immunization-Related Medical Exemptions for School-Aged Children (PDF)
- Immunization Requirements for School Attendance/Medical Exemption Statement for Children 0-18 years of Age - (Outside NYC) Fillable Form (PDF)
- Medical Request for Immunization Exemption (NYC only) Fillable Form (PDF)
Post-Secondary Institutions
- Post-Secondary Survey
- It is required by Public Health Law § 2165 to complete this Survey
- Post-Secondary Immunization Survey Instructions (PDF)
- Handbook for NYS Post-Secondary Institutions
- Meningococcal Disease
Health Commerce System (HCS) Access and Immunization Survey Instructions
Health Commerce System (HCS) access is required to complete the yearly School Immunization Surveys in SMART (Survey Management and Response Tool). In addition, schools with an HCS account may request access to NYSIIS (New York State Immunization Information System), to verify student immunization status.
- Health Commerce System (HCS)
- Child Care and Pre-Kindergarten Survey
- Instructions for Accessing and Completing the Day Care and Pre-K Survey (PDF) – Updated March 15, 2024
- Schools (K-12) Survey Instructions (PDF)
- Post-Secondary Immunization Survey Instructions (PDF)
Additional Resources
- CDC's Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule - includes vaccines, abbreviations and trade names, CDC catchup schedule and schedule by medical indication
- Child and Adolescent Vaccine Assessment Tool
- CDC's Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases – also known as the "Pink Book" which provides information on vaccines and the diseases they prevent
- Quick Chart of Vaccine-Preventable Disease Terms in Multiple Languages (
- VIS Translations |
- FERPA/HIPAA | New York State Education Department (
Contact Information
- For questions regarding school immunizations within New York State, contact the NYSDOH Division of Vaccine Excellence, School Immunization at, or by phone at 518-474-1944.
- For questions regarding school immunizations for New York City, contact the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene unit at or by phone at 347-396-2433.