Provider Designation
Obtaining an OMH User ID and Facility Code to access the Children's SPA/HCBS Designation Application
- Application is also available in Portable Document Format (PDF)
November 2016
Getting Started
Thank you for your interest in becoming a New York State Children´s State Plan (SPA) and/or Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) provider, in preparation for the children´s system transformation beginning in 2017.
The purpose of this instructional guide is to provide agencies with information on a necessary prepatory step that will enable agencies to begin the process of accessing the Children´s SPA/HCBS Designation Application.
The Children's SPA/HCBS Designation Application is currently under development and will be forthcoming in its release. The application will be accessible on a NYS OMH electronic platform. All agencies (both OMH and non-OMH) must obtain both an OMH User ID and a Facility Code in order to access the Children's SPA/HCBS designation application once it is released.
We recommend that each agency designate the appropriate individuals that will access the SPA/HCBS Designation Application and complete it on behalf of the agency.
NOTE: If you are a provider that currently has an OMH facility code and no OMH user ID, please approach your OMH Security Manager (SM) and request an OMH user ID only. Once the SM grants you a user ID, disregard the remainder of these instructions.
Registering for the OMH User ID and Facility Code
STEP 1. If the provider does not already have an OMH Facility Code, call the help desk at (518) 474–5554 or (800) HELP–NYS and request access to the "Children´s SPA/HCBS online designation application".
Information Technology Services (ITS) at OMH receives the help ticket and sends the provider an email requesting access to a "New Provider Form".
STEP 2. The provider completes the ´New Provider Form´ in full. Any questions while filling out the form can be directed to the help desk number previously listed above.
STEP 3. Once the New Provider Form is completed, the provider replies to ITS with completed form attached.
STEP 4. Security receives the form from ITS and adds the new provider to the database based on information on application.
STEP 5. The provider requesting access will receive a Confidentiality and Non–Disclosure Agreement or the "CNDA Email" (See ATTACHMENT A) instructing them to agree to the CNDA. This is completed online (See ATTACHMENT B). At this point, a facility code has been created.
STEP 6. After accepting the CNDA agreement, the provider should receive a "Security Manager Email" instructing them to select a "Security Manager" (See ATTACHMENT C).
STEP 7. The Security Manager receives an email with credentials and can then sign onto the OMH Security Management System and be granted an OMH user ID.
STEP 8. Once the Security Manager sets up the user ID of whomever will be accessing the SPA/HCBS application, the Security Manager clicks the "change password" button. That person will then receive an email informing [how] to choose a password.
STEP 9. Once the provider has the OMH User ID, facility code, and password set up, the provider can access the log in page to the Children´s SPA/HCBS Designation Application once it is available online at
STEP 10. Once the application is available online, the provider may go to the link provided above and the following visual (see below) should appear to log in. The provider should enter their OMH User ID and password/passcode created. Once the provider enters this information, click 'CONTINUE'. The provider can then begin completion of the designation application.
Attachment A:
Attachment B:
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 10:09 AM
Subject: Important Message from OMH: ACCESS INFORMATION
Dear Ms. ######:
This is one of two emails you will be receiving regarding the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) CNDA web site. This email contains a password you can use to access the CNDA web site to view and "electronically sign" the OMH Confidentiality and Non–Disclosure Agreement (CNDA) which is required before your agency is granted access to PSYCKES Medicaid and other OMH applications. For security purposes, your userID was sent in a separate email.
* * * Important – If you already have an OMH userID you may continue using it, however you must use your new userID and the password included in this email to access the CNDA.
The password to be used with your CNDA userID is: NOSE8FEEL
When you have both your userID and password, please click on the following link to access the CNDA web site:
If this link does not start the OMH sign–on page in your web browser, please enter the address directly in the address line of your browser.
The OMH Sign–on page should be displayed. Type the userID you received in the separate email and the password specified above into the appropriate fields, then press the "Enter" key or click "Login".
The "Confidentiality and Non–Disclosure Agreement" screen will display. You may view the entire agreement by scrolling the CNDA textbox, or by clicking on the "View entire agreement" checkbox. After you have reviewed the CNDA and are ready to electronically sign, you should click the checkbox at the bottom left of the page to indicate you agree to the CNDA terms and conditions, then click on the "Agree" button. You will be prompted to confirm or cancel, and after you confirm, you will have an opportunity to print the electronically signed document for your records. Click the "logout" button to exit the CNDA web site.
After you have electronically signed the CNDA you can expect an email from OMH with instructions for assigning a Security Manager for your agency. As described in previous correspondence, you Security Manager will be able to crate userIDs and assign access to PSYCKS Medicaid and, in the future, other OMH applications. We´re confident these new procedures will provide a more efficient and secure process for your agency to access important mental health systems hosted by OMH. Thank you very much for your participation. If you need assistance or have received this email in error, please contact the OMH Help Desk at 518.474.5554 or 1.800.HELP.NYS (1.800.435.7697).
Attachment C:
Dear Mr. abcdefgh:
As described in previous correspondence and email, the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) is automating and streamlining the process of gaining access to OMH web applications. The next step in the process is for you, the Director, to assign one or more Security managers for your agency. You can assign this role to yourself, or delegate it to a trusted individual at your agency. Typically, this assignment will be given to your agency´s Information Security Officer, or other individual performing security, and/or information technology functions.
You should provide your designated Security Manager(s) with a cop of this email so he/she understands the importance of the Security Manager role, and learns how to access the OMH Security Management System Self–Registration web site to obtain a userID.
The SMS Self–Registration web site address is
In order to use the SMS Self–Registration web site, your Security Manager must select your agency´s name from the drop–down list and enter the following "Agency Control ID": NAWAZ642
(This code is unique to your agency.) Once the Agency Name and corresponding Agency Control ID are submitted and accepted, the self-registration form will be displayed. The Security Manager will provide his/her name, userID (if he/she already has an OMH userID), email address, phone number, and mailing address.
* * * Important note – If the Security Manager already has access to any OMH system, his/her userID must be specified on the self–registration page, otherwise a new userID will be assigned. * * *
The mailing address provided during self–registration will be used by OMH to send a security token to the Security Manager. The token will be used by the Security Manager to access the SMS web application. Instructions for activating the token and using the SMS web application will be emailed to the Security Manager after successful registration. As the Director, you will also receive email notification of the successful Security Manager self–registration.
After your Security Manager self–registers, obtains a security token, and activates the token, he/she will be able to access the OMH Security Management System (SMS). The Security Manager will use SMS to create OMH user accounts (userIDs) for individuals at your agency and grant users access to the PSYCKES Medicaid application. In the future, access to other OMH applications will be available using the same process. The Security Manager will also be responsible for receiving, assigning, activation, and distributing security tokens to users of PSYCKES Medicaid and other OMH applications that require token authentication. The Security Manager should instruct the users how to assign a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for the token, and explain how to use the device to sign–on to PSYCKES Medicaid.
We´re confident these new procedures will provide a more efficient and secure process for you agency to access important mental health systems hosted by OMH. Thank you very much for your participation.
If you need assistance or have received this email in error, please contact the OMH Help Desk at 518.474.5554 or 1.800.HELP.NYS (1.800.435.7697).