Architectural Drawing Guidance for Children's Waiver Environmental Modifications

  • Guidance is also available in Porable Document Format (PDF)

The HCBS Children's Waiver provides Environmental Modifications (EMods) to eligible youth under the age of 21. General guidance related to the provision of EMods to children/youth enrolled in the Children's Waiver can be found in the Guidelines for Authorizing Environmental Modifications. Most Children's Waiver EMod projects do not require Architect Drawings. However, there are certain circumstances where these drawings might be required. This guidance is being issued to clarify the process of obtaining Architectural Drawings as part of a Children's Waiver EMod request.

Identifying the Need for Architectural Drawings
Most Children's Waiver EMod projects do not require Architectural Drawings. However, there are certain circumstances where these drawings might be required. These circumstances include, but are not limited to the following:

  • The project design has structural implications
  • The project requires a permit
  • The building owner/HOA community requires architectural drawings to approve a project

When required, Architectural Drawings are part of the pre-project evaluation phase of a project. These drawings are completed in addition to, not as a replacement for, a pre-project evaluation.

It is the responsibility of the pre-project evaluator to determine if Architect Drawings are required for a project and to make the Financial Management Service (FMS) aware of the need.

If the building/residence is not owned by the family (i.e. the family is renting an apartment, the family owns a condo inside a larger building/development, etc.), the HHCM/C-YES must request written permission from the property owner for the proposed project. FMS form for property owners is linked below:

Seeking permission for the project from the property owner includes checking with the property owner to ensure that any structural changes resulting from the project would be permitted by the property owner before seeking approval from FMS for the architectural drawings. The building owner may also require architectural drawings as a contingency for their permission for the project to move forward.

Obtaining Approval
Once the need for Architectural Drawings is identified in a proposed project, the HHCM/C-YES must contact the FMS to request permission to obtain these drawings. Once permission is received, the FMS may have an architect in the area that they have worked with on previous projects to contract with for the project. If not, the HHCM/C-YES must locate an architect to provide the drawings.

Finding an Architect
Locating an architect may vary based on location and project needs. Some options for finding an architect include:

  • Ask FMS if they have worked with any architects in the area or have established relationships
  • Ask the pre-project evaluator. Some evaluators know of architects in the area who may be available to assist with projects. Provide the architect's information to the FMS for contracting
  • Ask the property owner. Some NYC apartment buildings have architects that they've worked with in the past, and that they can recommend. Provide the architect's information to the FMS for contracting
  • Ask the family. Some families already know of architects that are available in their areas. Provide the architect's information to the FMS for contracting
  • Conduct research. Similar to conducting research for bid solicitation, a care manager can research architects in the area online and provide any contact information to FMS for contracting. Architectural associations may be able to suggest local architects if needed. Architectural Association information is provided at the end of this document as a starting point

The HHCM/C-YES should collaborate with FMS on finding an architect in their area so the FMS may contract with them for the proposed project.

The HHCM/C-YES should also ensure that the property owner, if applicable, is involved in conversations regarding architects. The property owner must provide written permission for any modification, including approval of any potential structural changes being proposed to the building.

Payment and Processing
Architect Drawings are funded and processed in the following process:

  1. Once approval for Architectural Drawings has been obtained from the FMS and FMS has contracted with the architect for the project, the HHCM/C-YES will work with the family to schedule a time to complete the architect visit at the location of the proposed project.
  2. After the drawings have been completed, the HHCM/C-YES will provide a copy of the drawings to the FMS and the pre-project evaluator. The pre-project evaluator must adjust the project scope to align with the Architectural Drawings. All adjustments must be made in alignment with Children's Waiver regulations.
  3. The updated evaluation and architectural drawings will be submitted by the HHCM/C-YES to the FMS for review and approval, along with a completed Pre-project Evaluation Payment Request (PEPR) Form
    1. Some architects may require payment “up front” for drawings (i.e. partial payment for the service prior to visiting the project site, preparing drawings, etc.). In these instances, the HHCM/C-YES may submit an invoice along with a Pre-project Evaluation Payment Request Form to the FMS on behalf of the architect, to request payment. Architects can be provided a portion of the overall drawing cost prior to delivering drawings. However, architects should not be issued final/complete payment until the prepared drawings have been provided and approved.
  4. After receiving notice from FMS that the project scope is approved, both the architectural drawings andthe pre-project evaluation must be provided by the HHCM/C-YES to vendors to solicit bids for the project. If there is a project manager for the project, the project manager may assist with bids including providing the scope and architectural drawings to bidders.

Please contact with any questions.

Association Resources for Finding Architects

American Institute of Architecture for New York State
50 State Street, 5th Floor Albany NY 12207
(518) 449-3334 or (518) 426-8176 (TTD)
Members | AIANYS Member Directory

American Institute of Architecture for New York City
536 LaGuardia Place New York, NY 10012
(212) 683-0023
Members | AIANYS Member Directory

Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) SARA National Website Email form to describe project and request possible referrals Email address for questions on SARA National