WIC Program


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) improves the health and nutrition of parents and their children during pregnancy and early childhood. Studies show that prenatal individuals who are enrolled in the WIC Program are more likely to have babies with a healthy birth weight, and children in WIC are more likely to do better in school.

Get Started with WIC

Services Provided by WIC

The WIC program provides nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding/chestfeeding support, and referrals to other helpful services - to eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to age five.

WIC Foods and Nutrition Education

  • Shop for healthy foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, fresh vegetables and fruits, 100% juice, whole-grain pasta, rice, bread, cereal, formula, eggs, baby food and more
  • Get healthy recipes and information on a healthy lifestyle
  • Get nutrition information based on your interests and needs

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Support

  • Trained experts and peer counselors with breastfeeding experience are available for help and support
  • Breast pumps are available for parents who need them
  • Special foods are available to meet the needs of breastfeeding parents

Eligibility & How to Apply

Check your eligibility to see if you and your family meet income requirements and other qualifying factors for the WIC Program.

Learn how to apply for the WIC Program, or contact your local WIC office to schedule your first appointment.

Current and Returning Participants

Need to check your benefit balance? Visit the WIC Connect portal or call the eWIC card customer service line at 1-844-540-3013.

Interested in re-applying for WIC benefits? Contact your local WIC office or call the Growing Up Healthy Hotline to find a WIC office near you: 1-800-522-5006.

Si desea información adicional en español sobre el Programa WIC, ingrese a nuestro sitio web Programa WIC.


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